

Our childhood is a riot of colours; our childhood life is happy and full of free; our childhood life is the care of their parents, teachers teach, students are friendly andcomposition, so our childhood life is unforgettable.
But not everyone's childhood is like the rest of us blew, want to do what I like, the former Soviet writer Golgi we would not be so lucky. At the age of three he lost his father and mother lives with a family in a dig, others he didn't give up, no complaint,no more sorrow, but with a positive mind in advance bravely. Unbearable entrance,can not eat the food, he also happily eat; wearing ragged clothes, he still go to school cheerfully. He read the third grade with excellent results, it never left the schoolclassroom. Golgi's mother died at the age of ten, he became an orphan, but he did not give up on themselves, to continue their efforts, struggle; he has no escape fromthis life; but to "human" to fend for himself. As if fate like to play tricks on him, on the way he met many frustrations, setbacks and helpless, and he can in that kind of environment, using their own efforts to success step by step. Originally want to go to university he did not do so, but in the "university community" learned a lot of famous university learned knowledge. Develop a vision, improve the consciousness, and finally become a revolutionary intellectuals. In life, most people will choose to face thecrossroad unnerved, Golgi tells us, you only march forward courageously will get the joy of success.
Yes, Sima Qian is with in the face of adversity wrestles the spirit that wrote "historical records" and known as the "song of historians, without rhyme of lisao!" From beingmocked, rebuked Einstein is can persist in the face of adversity, so he grew up wasknown as a scientific genius.
Reading this book, my feeling is: life can not be Everything is going smoothly., bothplain and rapids. In the study also did not winning the first, but as long as we have enough spirit, confidence, could face difficulties in the face of adversity, be close by.road to success!




