
Michael was walking along the street other day. Then he felt someone shouting his name. He stopped and looked around. He was Jack were running after him. Michael and Jack went to the same school and then to the same university. So they hadn’t met each other since then, They decide to have lunch together . They want to the nearest restaurant and sat by the table near the window. Then they talked about that they had done since they graduated university.

Michael was walking along the street (+the)other day.
Then he felt someone shouting his name.
【the other day:在某天】
He stopped and looked around. He(It) was
【这里用It was 表示“是”,因为不清楚性别时不能用he或者she】
Jack were(were-\) running after him.
【这里running after him应为宾补或定语,宾补就直接去掉were,定语从句则在were前加who】
Michael and Jack went(had gone) to the same school
and then to (to-\)the same university.
【and then是并列,是the same school 和the same university并列,所以后一个to】
So(But) they hadn’t met each other since then.(标点错了?)
They decide(decided) to have lunch together .
They went(这是你打错了吧?) to the nearest restaurant and sat by (at)the table near the window.
【说坐在桌边是“sit at the table”,算是习惯搭配,因为介词的用法是很复杂的,所以你不必太纠结于为什么】
Then they talked about that(what) they had done
since they graduated(+from) university.
【graduate from,从……毕业,固定搭配】
第1个回答  2016-08-29
Dear John,
I'm writing to tell you about my English. Over these years I have learned approximate 3500 English words. I can read some English books and write short essays in simple English, but I have difficulty to communicate with others .I can't catch the teacher when he speaks fast, therefore, I cannot get myself over when I speak to others. I know it is important for us to learn a foreign language well, so I determined to work harder at English and do more practices. Now I hope you can offer me some advices on how to improve my English. I would like to know your opinions.
楼主的这篇看上去像自己写的,那么我的意见是学好英语,首先是单词要掌握,然后是语法。加上不懈的锻炼 (读 说 写)就能很快提高英语水平。通过大量阅读,掌握语感和词汇,然后自己写,写完检查,修改来提高语法水平。逐渐的,开口说也就不是难事了。

Dear John
I am writing regarding my English learning. In past years I have learned approximate 3500 words and so so far I can read some propaedeutic English articals and write some short essays. But communicating with others face to face is still a problem for me. I found difficulties to catch teachers whom speak fast and when I spoke to others, I felt not easy. I know it is important for our generation to learn a foreign language, therefore, I will work hard on English learnin and to do more practices. Would you please offer me some suggestions on how to improve oral English.
Looking forward to hear from you.

All the best!本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2009-08-21
Michael was walking along the street (the) other(或者把other改成one) day. Then he (heard) someone shouting his name. He stopped and looked around. (It) was Jack (who) were running after him. Michael and Jack went to the same school and then (/ )the same university. (But) they hadn’t met each other since then, (so)They (decided) to have lunch together . They (went是不是打错了?) to the nearest restaurant and sat by the table near the window. Then they talked about what they had done since they graduated (from) university.