

one day ,I was waiting for bus near a stop-board.An even-aged foreigner went to me,looking over the bus information.I talked with him in English,"Hi,sir,may I help you?"He replied in English at once,"no,thanks.and in veritable Chinese——“ I can understand it."I was surprised deeply and forgot to say"you're welcome",which I had practised for hundreds of times.Although I've written hundreds,thousands even millions of times,it's vain that I'm not able to say it out.Therefore,why not become friends with me?So i can reply to you"you're welcome."Then let's have a chat in English!
第1个回答  2009-08-17
I wish someone would translate for me, this small story
One day, my bus in front of the bus. A similar age and I walked to come over, see foreigners bus information. I speak English, for he hello, sir, may I help you? He immediately answer in English said, no, thank you. I read and use is very are Chinese. I was shocked, forgot to say a million times, practice: you're welcome. Even wrote many times, listen to a thousand times, see a thousand times from his mouth, and said, it is no use. So, why don't you add me to your friend, let me answer, you're welcome. Then, let's exercise together.
第2个回答  2009-08-17
One day I was waiting for the bus at the bus station.A foreiger at my age came up to check the information for the bus.Then I said to him in English,"Excuse me,Sir.Is there anything I can do for you?"He suddenly answered in English,"No,thanks!I can read it."The last sentence is in very good Chinese.I was so surprised with his Chinese that I forgot to say the very similiar"that`s all right".即使写了千百遍,听了千百遍,看了千百遍,从嘴里说不出来,那也是白搭。所以,为什么你不加我为好友,让我回答你,不用客气。然后,让我们一起锻炼口语。

第3个回答  2009-08-17
One day, I before the station sign and so on public transportations. Walked with my similar age's foreigner, examines the public transportation information. I used English to him saying that you were good, gentleman, I might help you? He uses English to reply immediately that does not need, to thank. I can understand, what with is flavor very Chinese. I shock very much, forgot that practiced to spread surely, did not use politely. Even if has written a lot, has listened a lot, looked a lot, cannot say from between lips, that is also useless. Therefore, why you don't add me are the good friend, lets me reply you, does not use politely. Then, lets us exercise together
第4个回答  2009-08-17
I was waiting for the bus at the bus station one day ,a foreigner seemed as young as me came over .He looked at the bus information board and tried to get useful message.So I speaked to him in English."excuse me sir,can i help you?"He replyed in English"no ,thanks"Then he told me that he could undersatnd the information board in fluent Chinese.I was so surprised that I forgot to say the phrase "not at all" which i practised many times.Though we write english for many times or listen to it for many times and even read it for many times,it's a waste of time for not speaking it.As a result ,how about adding me to your friend list and let me answer your questions with my pleasure.Then we can practise oral English together!
第5个回答  2009-08-17
One day, I stop before the bus and so on. And age of a foreigner, I almost walked over to see bus information. I told him in English, Hello, sir, I can help you? He immediately replied in English, no, thank you. I can read, using a flavor of it is Chinese. I am shocked to have forgotten that the practice of the tens of millions of times, and not kind. Wrote thousands of times, even if, after listening to hundreds of times, watched thousands of times, from the mouth can not tell, that is no good. So, why are you not my friend, let me answer you, not kind. Then, let us exercise spoken.