
although 和though 的区别
because 和because of 的区别

1,though 和 although 引导让步状语从句都不能和but, however 连用,但可以和 still ,yet 连用。
2,though 引导的让步状语从句有时为了强调表语或状语,可以倒装语序,而although 不行。
3,though 引导的让步状语从句是系表结构时,若从句主语和主句主语一致,从句的主语和be 可以省略,但是although 没有此用法。
4,though 有时可以描述假设的状况,不是事实,从句用虚拟语气,而although 不可以。
5,though 可以作副词,置于句末,表示“可是,然而”,用逗号隔开,而although 不行,没有此意。比如
He said he would come ,he didn't ,though .

because 意思是因为,连接词,表原因,后面直接加句子,
而because of 是一个短语,意思是因为 由于,后面加名词或者动名词。

第1个回答  2009-09-16


1. 用作连词,表示“虽然”,两者大致同义,可换用,只是 although 比 though 更为正式。如:

Though [Although] it was raining,we went there. 虽然下着雨,但我们还是去了那儿。

2. although 一般不用作副词,而 though 可用作副词,且一般放在句末(不放在句首),意为“可是”、“不过”。如:

It’s hard work; I enjoy it though. 工作很辛苦,可是我乐意干。

这样用的 though 有时可与 however 换用。如:

We all tried our best. We lost the game, though [however]. 我们都已尽了最大的力量,但我们还是输了。


1. 在 as though(好像,仿佛), even though(即使,纵然) 等固定短语中不能用 although。如:

He talks as though he knew anything. 他夸夸其谈好像无所不知。

2. though 引导的让步状语从句可用部分倒装的形式(注意:倒装后位于句首的名词之前不用冠词),但 although 一般不这样用。如:

Poor though I am, I can afford it. 我虽穷,但这东西还是买得起的。

Child though he was, he did quite well. 他虽是孩子,但干得很好。

because 和because of 的区别
because 后面一般接的是句子,而because of 后面一般接的是名词性的短语之类的。
e.g. He was late because there were too much traffic on the raod.
He was late because of the traffic jam.本回答被提问者采纳