我的今天加了一条2G的内存条和电脑的一样不过电脑自带的是1G的现在开机出现下面的情况,我觉得是设置问题求高手帮忙解决出现的是这些:press esc for bbs popup ,chipset name:sis671,DDR2 400Mhz, cl:4t initialzing usb controllers ..done. 3072 MB ok auto-detecting pri master..atapi cdrom auto-detecting 3rd master..ide hard disk pri master :matshitadvd-pam uj870qj 1.00 u1tra dma mode-2 3rd master :hitachi hts543225l9a300 fbeoc4oc u1tra dma mode-6,s.m.a.r.t. capable and status ok auto-detecting usb mas7 storage devices found and configured. cmos settings wrong 下面还有.