



1 One thousand US Dollars from the target amount
2 Ten Days from the target day!
3 The target amount is One thousand US Dollars
4 The target days are ten days.
第1个回答  2009-08-07
There are 1000 dollars from the target value.
Days and target for 10 days.
Target the amount of $1000.
Target number for 10 days.
第2个回答  2009-08-07
1 there are 1000 dollars from the target value.
2 days away from goal and 10 days.
Goal 3 amount of $1000.
Goal 4 days for 10 days
第3个回答  2009-08-09
1. Away from the target amount of 1000 U.S. dollars there.

2. There are days away from the goal of 10 days.

3. The target amount of 1000 U.S. dollars.

4. The target number of days for 10 days.
第4个回答  2009-08-10
It still has 1000 dollars from the aim of the money.
It has 10 days from the aim of the days.
The aim of the money is 1000 dollars.
The aim of the days is 10 days.
第5个回答  2009-08-10
Also from the target amount of 1000 U.S. dollars
There are days away from the target 10 days
The target amount of 1000 U.S. dollars
The target number of days for 10 days