翻译一下这句话“我很高兴能和大家在一个班学习,我相信我们会成为好朋友”谢谢!重赏 在线等

翻译“我很高兴能和大家在一个班学习,我相信我们会成为好朋友,用我们的力量共同营造一个温馨的班集体。”谢谢! 急~ 希望大家尽快用地道的oral English 翻译出来!谢谢!!
恩 谢谢大家的回答!我还在等待 希望晚上就可以选出来
强调一下 要很口语的那种
因为这是新学期的自我介绍 想给老师留一个好印象 谢谢!


I'm so glad that I can be in the same class as you guys, and I believe we'll make good friends with each other! Let's strive together to make our class a happy family!
第1个回答  2009-08-31
I'm happy(建议用幸运,lucky) to study together with all of you. I believe that in the following days, we will make up a warm family and become good friends.

第2个回答  2009-08-31
“I'm very happy can lern in same class,I tink we can to turn into good frind,to use our power common construction or building a warm and fragrant a group.”
Thank you!

(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……
第3个回答  2009-08-31
I am glad to march on with you all in the future, and I firmly believe that we'll be friends soon. We'll build up a good class by all means.

第4个回答  2009-08-31
I am very happy to be able to study in the same class as everyone. I believe we will become good friends, and use our strengths together and create a harmonious class.