some of the other 和some the other的区别


some of the other 和some the other的区别:some是形容词,一些 ;some of是指...中的一些 

some...the other:指的是一部分人除外;另一部分人全部;

There are many people in the park; some are walking, others are jogging, and still others are doing exercise. 
People vary in taste; some love music, some enjoy taking pictures, and still others are fond of hiking. 
每个人嗜好不同,有人喜欢音乐,有人喜欢摄影,还有些人喜欢爬山。 some others 与 some the others的区别 
There are 5 pencils, some are red, the others are blue. 
There are many boys here, some are 18 years old, others are 20 years old. 
从上述两句句子中可以看出:如果有限定范围的,比如第一句有5只笔,那么就要用some the others,如果没有限定范围,如第二句many boys一个模糊的数量,就用some others 
One...the other...another 
这种结构限定在有三样东西并列比如I have three pens, one is blue, the other is red and another is yellow. 
One...the other 
这种结构限定在有两样东西并列比如I have two pens, one is blue, the other is red.

第1个回答  2016-11-03

some...the other:指的是一部分人除外;另一部分人全部;
分清这两个主要看是否有the,一个the就把other形成一个整体,没有the的只是除some外 的一些。
2,1.例句,People like different colors.Some like red,and some of the others like yellow.
这里用SOME OF THE OTHERS,因为除了喜欢红色的人,不是所有剩下的人都喜欢黄色,而是只有一部分喜欢.
2.Mary and Tom are in the classroom,and the other students have gone downstairs to the lab.
这里用THE OTHER,是因为除了MARY AND TOM以外的所有人都去了实验室.

第2个回答  2016-08-15
1,some...the other:指的是一部分人除外;另一部分人全部;
分清这两个主要看是否有the,一个the就把other形成一个整体,没有the的只是除some外 的一些。
2,1.例句,People like different colors.Some like red,and some of the others like yellow.
这里用SOME OF THE OTHERS,因为除了喜欢红色的人,不是所有剩下的人都喜欢黄色,而是只有一部分喜欢.
2.Mary and Tom are in the classroom,and the other students have gone downstairs to the lab.
这里用THE OTHER,是因为除了MARY AND TOM以外的所有人都去了实验室.
第3个回答  2016-08-04
some of是指...中的一些

some others的应用

There are many people in the park; some are walking, others are jogging, and still others are doing exercise.

People vary in taste; some love music, some enjoy taking pictures, and still others are fond of hiking.
每个人嗜好不同,有人喜欢音乐,有人喜欢摄影,还有些人喜欢爬山。 some others 与 some the others的区别
There are 5 pencils, some are red, the others are blue.
There are many boys here, some are 18 years old, others are 20 years old.
从上述两句句子中可以看出:如果有限定范围的,比如第一句有5只笔,那么就要用some the others,如果没有限定范围,如第二句many boys一个模糊的数量,就用some others
One...the other...another
这种结构限定在有三样东西并列比如I have three pens, one is blue, the other is red and another is yellow.
One...the other
这种结构限定在有两样东西并列比如I have two pens, one is blue, the other is red.

the other和other的区别

the other和other的区别主要是:other 可以做形容词,表示其他的,比如other people其他的人;也可以做代词,但是做代词时一般不以原形出现,一般用以"the other"或者以复数形式“others”出现。the other,可以作主语:其他的,另一个,也可以做定语放在名词前,意思一样,但是这几个词中凡是前面加定冠词the的都是有范围的,比如那群人中等等,主要词组:one...the other 就是:一个……另一个……的意思。例如:
1、One of them is blue,the other ones are purple.
2、 One of the children likes reading,the others like singing.

3、Some cleaned the windows,others mopped the floor.
第4个回答  2016-07-27
some...the other:指的是一部分人除外;另一部分人全部;
1.People like different colors.Some like red,and some of the others like yellow.
这里用SOME OF THE OTHERS,因为除了喜欢红色的人,不是所有剩下的人都喜欢黄色,而是只有一部分喜欢.
2.Mary and Tom are in the classroom,and the other students have gone downstairs to the lab.
这里用THE OTHER,是因为除了MARY AND TOM以外的所有人都去了实验室.