
词汇;共15小题;每小题1分,共计15分;根据中文提示,完成下列句子,注意所用单词、词组的正确形式。He _____________(调整,适应) himself very quickly to the heat of the country after he arrived .The leading comrades in charge should not ____________ (滥用)their power .He was very happy that his vague answer was met with a nod of ________(赞成).There is a small restaurant on the _________(上面的)floor .We will give the house a ___________ (彻底的)cleaning .The church was destroyed in 1900 and completely ________ (重建)last year .The books were __________(赠送) by local publishing company .__________ (物质)exists in three states : solid , liquid and gas .Before catching a snake , please make sure that it is not a _________(有毒的)one .The famous actress has a ________ (无污迹的)reputation .The first time you step out , whether by accident or ____________ (故意地), a warning is imposed .Applicants who pay ________(预先) can get a discount .He tried ______ (白费力气)to catch the butterfly on the flower .Whole villages were ________ (彻底毁灭)by the floods .He ______(泄露) as little information as possible .

66.adjusted   67.abuse   68.approval  69.upper   70.thorough   71. rebuilt  72.donated given away  73. Matter   74.poisonous  75.stainless   76.on purpose deliberately intentionally purposely   77.in advance     78.in vain   79.wiped out destroyed  80.gave away will give away
