

1)In the contemporary world, the internet has become increasingly vital in our daily lives.
2)But sometimes young people unable to identify false information on the interent.
分析:缺少谓语动词,be unable to do something 是主干结构,但系动词 are 不见了。英语通常不建议用并列连词开头,因为并列连词是用来并列两个分句用的。这么做会被看作是断句,尤其是正式的书写题材。
3)It is of great importance for young generation to distinguish false information on the internet.
分析:缺少了定冠词 the,for the young generation。英语写作比较忌讳重复使用同样的单词和短语,会给人一种词汇匮乏的感觉,或是重复太多次会导致审美疲劳,这里的 false information on the internet 或是雷同的语句,前前后后用了很多次。再来就是 distinguish A from B 是常用的结构,这里降到了区分,但从什么信息中区分出什么信息没有写清楚,而 distinguish 的用法应该是从不好的信息中心找出正确的信息,而不是从正确的信息中找出不好的信息。所以 distinguish 通常用于比如 distinguish reality from fantasy, distinguish right from wrong, distinguish sport from games ... 可以看出 A 是好的,B是不好的,从不好的B中找到A这个好的,才是 distinguish 的正确用法,所以这里 distinguish 的使用是有争议的。可以考虑改成 ... to distinguish proper information from deceitful information online.
4)The following solutions can tackle the issue properly.
5)In the first place, there is no doubt that official channels have a lower possibility to spread false information.
分析:channels 的用法有误,应该改成 official sources/means。spread 这里的用法比较薄弱,考虑 propagate,have a lower possibility 的 have 语义不是很恰当,用 offer/provide 可能更好些,false information 这是第3次使用了,需要考虑其他词汇了。可以考虑改成:In the first place, there is no doubt that official sources can provide much accurate information, thus a lower possibility to be deceited by untrue information.
6)Secondly, no one can deny that a abundant knowledge is beneficial for identify false information.
分析:这个句子应该是错误最多的,也是直接暴露了您对基础语法的掌握了。knowledge 是不可数名词,无法接不定冠词 a,而且 abundant 需要用 an,而不是 a;可以用 an abundance of knowledge 或是 abundant knowledge。for 是介词,后接名词或是名词词组,这里用了 identify(动词),可以是 for identifying false information 或是 to identify false information. false information 用了第4次了。再来就是整句的语义欠修饰和补充,因为什么样的knowledge可以识别假信息,因为假信息本身也是 knowledge,导致语义模棱两可,不清晰。可以考虑改为:Secondly, on one can deny that having an abundance of related knowledge of the concerned topic is beneficial to correctly identify the appropriate information from the disguised.
7)The more knowledge young people acquired, the more rational they are.
分析:acquired 应该用一般式,连系动词 become 的语义要比系动词 are 更好些。The more knowledge young people acquire, the more rational they become.
8)Last but not least, I firmly believe that independent thinking is vital.
分析:vital 用了第二次。再来就是为什么 vital 没有说明。可以考虑:Last but not least, I firmly believe that independent thinking is critical in protecting themselves from being influenced by online information.
9)Young people should think twice about the information from the internet.
分析:这里还是缺少了理由,为什么需要 think twice? 可以考虑:Young people should think twice before accepting any information from the internet in order to avoid any misconception later on.
10)In conclusion, there are much false information on the internet.
分析:there be 句型的谓语动词的单复数是依照表语决定,information 是不可数名词,所以应该是 there is 而不是 there are。句子过短,需要加强语气。可以考虑:In conclusion, though internet can be a good source for reference, there exists much unhealthy information and young people need to be mindful of this reality so as not to be buried in the sea of falsified information.
11)Young generation should spare no efforts to acquire abundant knowledge, the more knowledge they acquire, the stronger recongize ability about false information from internet they have.
分析:recognize 是(动词),此处用法错误。acquire 用了3次,abundant 用了2次,可以考虑改成 equip 或是 arm,equip/arm oneself with something 的用法。可以考虑:Young generation should spare no efforts to equip themselves with competent knowledge and proper discerning skills, for the more they arm themselves with, the stronger the ability to recognize delusive information from the internet will they have.
第1个回答  2022-05-08
第三行It is of great importance ….of 改成a 倒数第三行 spare no efforts efforts 去掉S 发现两处小错