look的n. vi. vt.词性该具体怎么使用




1. 用作不及物动词,意为“看,望,瞧”。

I looked but saw nothing.我看了,但什么也没看见。
Look! Here comes the bus. 瞧!汽车来了。
Look before you leap. 三思而后行。
The teacher is looking seriously at us.老师正严肃地看着我们。
Look at these pictures. How beautiful they are!看这些画,它们是多么漂亮啊!

(1) look after 照看,照料。如:He is old enough to look after himself.他年龄足够大,能照看自己。
(2) look for 寻找。如:I looked for you just now, but I didn’t find you.刚才我到处找你,但没有找到。
(3) look around 四下环顾;到处寻找。如:He looked around but he saw nobody.他四下环顾,但什么人也没看到。
(4) look back on回想,回顾。如:They often look back on the days they spent together. 他们常回顾他们在一起度过的日子。
(5) look down on看不起。如:Don’t look down on others.不要看不起别人。
(6) look forward to 盼望。如:We are looking forward to seeing you again.我们盼望再见到你。
(7) look into朝……里面看。如:He looked into the box, but he saw nothing.他朝箱子里面看了看,但没看到什么。
(8) look on...as把某人看作。如:We look on him as our friends.我们把他看作我们的朋友。追答

作及物动词,意为“看,瞧,打量”等。如:He is looking me up and down.他上下打量着我。

名词look: 看,目光,找,寻;, 样子,相貌,表情 ; 复数looks: 容貌,眼神, 长相,外表,看, 样子。
Assisi has a couple of churches that are worth a look if you have time. 如果你有时间的话,阿西西有几座教堂值得一看。
Go and have another look. 再去找一下。
He gave her a blank look, as if he had no idea who she was. 他面无表情地看了她一眼,仿佛根本不认识她一样。
Sally spun round, a feigned look of surprise on her face. 萨莉急转过身来,脸上装出一副吃惊的表情。
