

How time flies!It is a long time .Now I'd like to tell you something about our trip into a forest last week.That day i went to camping with Bill.We went there by bike.How great the forest is!It is my first impression.For the ever ,i haven't appreciate such kind of beautiful place,so everybody enjoy themselves.We pick the wood for preparing the meal.We catch a lof of small fish in the forest river.The fish is delicious.On the evening,we sleep in the camps with the bird singing and share nature's quiet.Unfortunitely,one afternoon,i am bited by a snake,it is the farmer who save me.At last,i can not forget the jouney for all my life .答案补充
It was a long time .Now I'd like to tell you something about our trip into a forest last week.That day i went to camping with Bill.We went there by bike.it was very sunny.We had a sigthseeing around the journey.We talked and enjoyed ourself on the way to travel the contryside
第1个回答  2023-06-12
Camping is a great way to enjoy the great outdoors. Whether you're sleeping under the stars in a tent or RV, there's nothing quite like the feeling of being close to nature. You can go hiking, fishing, swimming, or just sit around the campfire and relax. The best part of camping is that you don't need a lot of expensive gear or equipment to have a good time. As long as you have some basic supplies, like a tent, sleeping bag, and cooler, you're ready to go. So pack up your gear, grab some friends, and hit the road for a fun camping adventure.
第2个回答  2023-06-17






Title: Camping

Camping is a popular outdoor activity that many people enjoy. It allows you to immerse yourself in nature and enjoy its beauty. There are many benefits to camping, such as getting exercise, fresh air, and sunshine. It can also be a great way to bond with family and friends.

However, it is important to prepare for camping properly. You should research the area where you will be camping and make sure you have all the necessary equipment, such as a tent, sleeping bag, and cooking supplies. It is also important to follow safety guidelines and be aware of any potential dangers in the area, such as wildlife or extreme weather conditions.

Overall, camping can be a wonderful experience that allows you to connect with nature and create lasting memories.


    immerse (v.) – to involve deeply in something; 沉浸于

    bond (v.) – to develop a close relationship with someone; 建立联系

    equipment (n.) – tools or supplies needed for a particular activity; 设备

    guidelines (n.) – instructions or advice on how to do something safely or correctly; 指导方针

    wildlife (n.) – animals that live in their natural habitat; 野生动物

    extreme (adj.) – very severe or dangerous; 极端的









Title: Camping

Camping is a popular outdoor activity that involves spending time in nature, usually overnight. It has become increasingly popular in recent years as people seek to connect with nature and escape the stresses of modern life.

Camping offers many benefits, including the opportunity to get closer to nature, exercise, and spend quality time with friends and family. It can also be a great way to relax and unwind, as well as learn new skills such as fire-building and outdoor cooking.

When choosing a camping location, it is important to consider safety, environmental impact, and accessibility. Many national parks and campgrounds have strict rules and regulations regarding camping, so it is important to research and plan ahead.

Personally, I have had many memorable camping experiences, from sleeping under the stars to hiking through beautiful forests. There is something truly special about being surrounded by nature and disconnecting from technology for a few days.


    过夜(n)- 在某个地方过夜。

    放松(v)- 放松并放松压力。

    法规(n)- 必须遵守的规则或法律。











Camping: A Great Way to Connect with Nature

Camping is a popular outdoor activity that allows people to get up close and personal with nature. Not only does it provide an opportunity to escape the hustle and bustle of city life, but it also offers numerous benefits for both physical and mental health.

To prepare for a camping trip, it's important to have the right gear, including a tent, sleeping bag, and cooking supplies. It's also important to choose a suitable campsite and be aware of any potential dangers in the area.

Once you're at your campsite, take time to explore the surrounding area and appreciate the beauty of nature. Whether it's hiking through the woods, swimming in a nearby lake, or simply sitting by the campfire, there are endless opportunities for adventure and relaxation.

In addition to being a fun and exciting activity, camping can also improve your mood, reduce stress, and boost your immune system. So why not plan your next camping trip today?


    hustle and bustle (n.): busy and noisy activity忙碌喧嚣

    gear (n.): equipment needed for a particular activity装备

    campsite (n.): a place where people can pitch their tents or park their camper露营地

    potential (adj.): possible but not yet actual潜在的







第3个回答  2023-06-09
Camping is a popular activity that allows people to experience the great outdoors. It involves setting up a temporary shelter in a remote location and spending time in nature. Camping can be an enjoyable experience, providing the opportunity to disconnect from technology and enjoy the company of family and friends. Campers can participate in a variety of activities, such as hiking, fishing, and roasting marshmallows over a campfire. However, it is important to follow safety guidelines and respect the environment when camping. By doing so, we can ensure that camping remains a fun and sustainable activity for years to come.
第4个回答  2023-06-07

Camping is a fun activity for people of all ages. It’s a chance to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life, breathe in fresh air, and enjoy nature. When you go camping, you can choose to stay in a tent or rent a cabin. Some campsites even have RV hookups so you can bring your own camper.

There are many different activities to do while camping. You can go hiking, fishing, swimming, or just relax by the campfire. Make sure to bring plenty of food and water, as well as supplies like matches, insect repellent, and a first aid kit. It's important to respect the environment by properly disposing of trash and not disturbing the wildlife.

Overall, camping is a great way to spend time with family and friends, unplug from technology, and appreciate the beauty of the outdoors.


1. camping:露营

2. activity:活动

3. hustle and bustle:喧闹繁忙

4. everyday life:日常生活

5. fresh air:新鲜空气

6. nature:大自然

7. tent:帐篷

8. cabin:小木屋

9. RV hookup:房车停靠区

10. hiking:徒步旅行

11. fishing:钓鱼

12. swimming:游泳

13. relax:放松

14. campfire:篝火

15. food:食物

16. water:水

17. matches:火柴

18. insect repellent:防虫剂

19. first aid kit:急救包

20. respect:尊重

21. environment:环境

22. properly:适当地

23. dispose of:处理

24. trash:垃圾

25. wildlife:野生动物

26. unplug from technology:远离科技

27. appreciate:欣赏

28. beauty:美丽之处
