
谢谢你这么快给我答复!我考虑了一下,可否把去西班牙的时间暂时定为一月?如果有任何变动需要延迟一些时间的话,我会提前告诉你,因为年前我在中国有本关于STOP MOTION的书要出,很着急,还有许多事情要做,另外办理出国的签证也需要时间,所以不敢确定具体去西班牙的时间。但我会尽量在一月份去西班牙。


关于你发来的两本书我都自己的阅读了,我决定选择《Baby Whiskers》。

我会尽快把STORY BOARD 画好发给你。

Thank you give me an answer so soon! I thought about whether he can put the time in Spain temporarily set in January? If there is any change to be delayed some time, I will tell you in advance, because years ago I was in China on the STOP MOTION by this book to be a very anxious, there are many things to do, to make a separate visa to go abroad takes time So they dare not go to Spain to identify specific time. But I will try to go to Spain in January.

Visa may require you to give me an invitation of the class files. But now, uncertain, when needed, I will tell you, thank you!

With regard to your hair to the two books I have read his own, I decided to choose "Baby Whiskers".

STORY BOARD as soon as possible I will send you a good picture.
I will be the role model here, do a good job as far as possible brought to Spain. (There is a problem: role model must be fully produced in accordance with the image of the book do? Need me to first draw the design sent to you?)
Scene part, I will draw out the design sent to you, do you think?