

老师是这样给我们讲解最高级的:“一般来说,在形容词或副词的后面加上 ‘-est’就构成了最高级,若以e结尾的单词呢,就直接加 ‘-st’,多音节词就在其前面加上个 ‘most’ 就成了。”这些东西记多了就会糊涂,一糊涂就会犯错,这样反复地做无用功又有什么意义呢,倒不如寻求一个“以一顶十”的方法,再来一个“活学活用”,以上的长篇大论就可以置之脑后了,何乐而不为呢?
脱口而出以下这篇文章 —— 最高级也不过如此而已!

The Ocean Resort Hotel

[1] Cindy and Jim took a vacation last year at the Ocean Resort Hotel. They really loved the hotel and had a terrific『极好的;极妙的;愉快的』time on their vacation.
[2] The beach was the cleanest and most beautiful they had ever seen. The ocean water was the clearest and wamp3est they had ever swum in. Their room was the most luxurious『豪华的;非常舒适的』and most comfortable they had ever stayed in. The food was the most delicious they had ever eaten. The hotel staff was the friendliest and most courteous they had ever encountered『偶然碰到;遇到』. The golf course was the most challenging they had ever played on. And the nightclub show was the most exciting they had ever been to.
[3] Cindy and Jim really enjoyed themselves at the Ocean Resort Hotel. It was the best vacation they had ever taken.

[1] 去年,辛迪和吉姆去了海洋度假村度假。他们真的非常喜欢这个度假村,在那儿玩了个不亦乐乎!
[2] 那儿的海滩是他们所见过的最干净、最漂亮的海滩;那儿的海水是他们所游过的最清澈、最暖和的海水;他们的房间是他们所住过的最豪华和最舒适的房间;那儿的食物是他们所吃过的最可口的食物;度假村的员工是他们所遇到过的最友好最有礼的员工。那儿的高尔夫球场是他们所用过的最具挑战性的球场;那儿的晚间俱乐部节目也是他们所看过的最令人激动的节目。
[3] 辛迪和吉姆在海洋度假村确确实实玩得很开心。那是他们度过的最美好的一个假期。

* He is doing a terrific job.
* The view was terrific.
* You’re a terrific teacher!

* He encountered many difficulties.
* One rainy night the policeman encountered a gang of smugglers.

【Kim’s Note】Even though people look forward to their vacations, they rarely turn out as perfect as the one in this passage! Always take some English learning material along so you can make the most of your time in case the weather isn’t perfect or your plane or train is delayed!

—— 虚拟语气

★★★ 三星级•高中生级•国际公民级
在“西风”的吹拂下,中国人又掀起了一股出国的热潮,有事没事都嚷着要出国。要出国首先就得有签证,签证对有些人来说是小菜一碟,然而对有些人来说却是比登天还要难。这就是因为他们有太多的遗憾了,本应做好的事情却没有做好!这正是本篇涉及到的一个语法点 —— 虚拟语气。
“I should have / shouldn’t have” is a very useful and important sentence pattern to show regret. When you make a mistake or do something stupid, the most popular sentence is “I should have done that.” Read this classic example of perfect models.
“I should have / I shouldn’t have”是表示遗憾时极其有用,极其重要的句型。当你犯了错误或做了蠢事时,最适用的句型是“I shouldn’t have done that.(我本不应该那样做。)”阅读以下这篇文章,它是一篇典型的虚拟语气范例。

A Visa Interview
[1] Kelly didn’t do as well as she should have at her visa interview today. She didn't get the visa, and she realizes now that she should have done a few things differently. She should have spoken English, she should have told more about her previous education and work experience, and she probably should have worn more conservative clothes.
[2] In addition, she shouldn’t have arrived late for such an important interview. She shouldn’t have smoked in the interviewer’s office. And she DEFINITELY shouldn’t have asked the interviewer to repeat himself so many times. Kelly will certainly do things differently the next time she has a visa interview!


[1] 在今天的签证面试中,凯利本可以表现得很好的,但她没有。所以她没有获得签证,现在她意识到,她本应做些事情来完善她自己的。她本应该讲英语;她本应该向面试考官陈述更多有关她受教育的情况和工作经历;或许,她还应该穿得更保守些。
[2] 另外,在如此重要的一次面试中,她本不应该迟到的;她不应该在考官的办公室内抽烟;她更万万不该要求面试官对他所说的重复那么多次。在下次的签证面试中,凯利一定会有不同的表现的。


第1个回答  2009-09-27
Now most of the workers and public servants work from 9 am to 5 pm. Some of them even work from 8 am or 8:30 am to 5 pm. However, according to the global Internet survey done by the UK Sleep Council, the Mediterranean siesta was the right idea all along. The UK Sleep Council called on the country’s bosses to end nine-to-five working in favor of more flexible hours. They believe what would really pump up the pulse of worker productivity is a nice afternoon nap, rather than those bonuses and incentives.


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