

As college students, we are expected to be self-sufficient. While many of us take on part-time jobs to support ourselves, excessive spending can still place a burden on our families. What is your perspective on this issue? Below is an essay on the topic of high consumption among college students, revised for clarity and grammatical accuracy.
**Essay on High Consumption Among College Students**
Around campus, it is not uncommon to see students sporting brand-name clothing and using the latest gadgets like iPods, iPhones, and iPads. Despite the source of their funds, I strongly oppose the notion that college students should indulge in luxury goods. In my view, we should promote rational consumption among our peers. Here are some suggestions on how to achieve this.
**Firstly, students should strive to earn their own spending money.** This is a priority. Most students, who have already relied on their parents for tuition, should take responsibility for their day-to-day expenses, let alone splurging on luxuries.
**Secondly, necessity should take precedence over luxury.** Seeing classmates purchase luxury items can create envy, leading some to follow suit. This is a case of irrational spending.
**Lastly, maintaining a balanced budget each month is crucial.** If you splurge on a fancy dinner one week, cut back on expenses the following week. You can also set up a reward system for yourself. If you manage to spend less than, say, 500 yuan per month, you can treat yourself to a 200 yuan luxury item the next week. The amount should depend on your earnings and savings.
**In conclusion, fostering rational consumption habits among college students is beneficial.**
**Essay on Rising College Student Expenditure**
According to a study, in recent years, the monthly expenses of college students have seen a significant increase. Many students appear to have no concept of saving and freely spend their parents’ money, which they view as a given until they enter the workforce. This trend of excessive spending is fueled by several factors.
**Firstly, most students today are only children in their families.** They are the cherished ones and, as such, receive more attention and allowances. **Secondly, with improving living standards, parents can afford to spend more on their children.** **Thirdly, some students are drawn to fashion and trends, which can be costly.** Additionally, **romantic relationships on campus can also contribute to excessive spending.**
**From my perspective, as college students, we should learn to save.** We should not indulge in whatever we desire without considering the price. The habit of saving can help shape proper values and is conducive to our future growth.
**Essay on College Student Spending Patterns**
A recent study indicates that college student expenses have been rising sharply. Many students display a lack of thriftiness and appear to take the money they receive from their parents for granted.
Several factors contribute to this spending spree. **Firstly, as only children, many students are the favorites and receive more attention and allowances.** Some are even spoiled and consider receiving money from their parents as a right. **Secondly, with better living standards, parents are more willing to spend on their children.** Additionally, **some students pursue fashion and trends, which can be expensive.** Lastly, **romantic relationships on campus may also drive up spending.**
**In my view, college students should practice thriftiness.** We should control our spending on essentials and not succumb to purchasing whims without considering the cost. Developing a saving habit can help us cultivate proper values and is advantageous for our future development.
(Note: The content continues onto the next page, but only the first three essays have been requested for revision. If more content is needed, please specify.)