
用satisfied with ,pleased with ,interested in,surprised at,excited at,depressed in,tired at, born in 每个用定语从句和主系表 各造一个句子
在用put forward,draw a conclusian ,expose ...to 和link...to各造一个句子 谢谢了

satisfied with
I am not satisfied with the present situation. 我对现状根本不满意。

pleased with
They were all very pleased with the news. 他们听到那消息都很高兴。

interested in
He was very interested in your words.

surprised at
He was much surprised at the news. 他对那个消息感到十分惊异。

excited at
He was quite excited at (by, about) the news. 听到这个消息他很兴奋。

The drought depressed the water level in the reservoirs. 干旱使水库的水面降低.
She is so depressed she feels like doing herself in. 她心灰意冷想要自杀.

I am not tired at all. 我一点儿也不累。
I just get so tired at times. 我只是偶而感到很疲倦。

born in
What year were you born in? 你出生于那一年?
She was born in America. 她出生于美国。
My little daughter was born in December. 我的小女儿是十二月出生的。

put forward to
Plans have been put forward to pull down and rebuild the area.

draw a conclusian or come to a conclusion
I find it difficult to draw a conclusion on that. 我觉得此事难下结论。

expose to
Expose oneself to pleasant warmth. 享受温暖与阳光.

link to
Bonus payment is link to productivity. 奖金与生产率挂钩。