
A case
nAME Tina
aGE 15
Symptoms(症状) Heavy;feels tried
Reasons Stays up(熬夜)
hardly exercises
What to do
是初二2单元 词不要用其他的 谢谢 好的话再+30分
从医生的角度给Tina提些建议 我觉得不是叙述事情

Tina didn't feel well so she went to see a doctor. The doctor looked her carefully and asked her some questions. She said that she had a heavy headache and always felt tired. She also told the doctor that she always stayed up late and hardly exercises. The doctor told her it was important to have enough sleep every day so she should go to bed early. Besides, she should do exercises and breathe the fresh air because doing exercise could make her strong and healthy. So Tina decided to jog and play table tennis from then on.