
The amount of products are the same as I once has written a confirm letter to the department. We did write a smaller value on the invoice sent together with the goods. In attachment I confirm quantity and price, but when we send it to you it´s a different price only to get a smaller fee? If we write that due to some of your products were in bad condition when arriving to us, we should have reduced the amount of products, not the value. Have we done something we shouldn´t have?? I´ll try to explain in a letter but I dont want to something wrong.

产品的数量跟我当初写去有关部门的确认信一样,我们也写过小额的发票跟商品一起寄去了,在附件中我确认了数量和价格,但当我寄给你後是个不同的价位 我们只得到很小的利润?如果我们写这封信 当到达美国 你们些产品出现坏的情况 我们应当减少产品的数量 不是产品的价值 难道我们应当做些我们不该做的事吗??我会试著在信上解释 但我不想有什麽差错。
第1个回答  2010-09-14