


Peter Pan: Peter Pan first lives in the hearts of children, but also partially remains in the childhood memories of adults. 

Shortly after the beginning of the story, the author told the readers that when Mrs. darling sorted out the children's minds, she found that their hearts were covered with the strange name "Peter". 

It was not difficult to feel that Peter was a little naughty from the handwriting.

Fairy: beautiful fairy. Ding ling'er, who is often accompanied by Peter Pan, is one of them. The author tells us: "the life span of fairies is very short. However, their bodies are very small, and their short life is very long for them. " 

This is not the traditional fairy image in Belo's or Green's fairy tales, but an extremely small elf with a child's temper full of secular little girls. He speaks like tinkling music and flies all over the sky for a moment.

Hooker: Hooker, as the pirate head on Yongwu Island, appeared in front of the children in an abhorrent and cruel image. 

He always tried his best to fight Peter Pan and the children, and was cruel to the children and his men. But he is such a pirate, but he behaves with aristocratic temperament and always tries to maintain a good demeanor.





