

同一名词作 可数名词和不可数名词的意义差别
Paper was first made by the ancient Chinese.
Each student has got a test paper.
The hall is beautiful with all the doors made of glass.
The waiter brought me a glass and poured milk into it.
The cottage is on fire.
The girl is learning how to make a fire.
The house is being pulled down to make room for the new highway.
The couple will move into a new room.
Women usually pay more attention to dress than men do .
She has longed for an evening dress
2) 有些名词,尤其是物质名词,作不可数名词表事物的概念,而做可数名词时表事物的个体,其复数形式往往表事物的种类。如;
Mike is a handsome boy with black hair.
The young man has got quite a few grey hairs.
The doctor advised eating some fruit after a meal.
There are different kinds of fruits for you to choose from.
He likes his coffee served with milk.
Waiter, two coffees , please.
3) 有些不可数名词在作可数名词时常常以复数形式出现表示更为扩大的意义。例如:
There is life where there is water.
Fish are no longer found in the polluted waters.
Our ship is sailing in the waters of the East China Sea.
The children were playing with sand all afternoon.
He walked along the sands, enjoying the setting sun.
The road was covered with snow.
We could see snows here and there at the top of the mountain.
4) 有些不可数名词,特别是表示自然现象的名词,常可以和不定冠词和形容词连用,表单数概念。如:
a heavy rain a heavy snow a heavy smoke a good sweat
a thick fog a good light a great fire a clear sky

用作可数名词的 抽象名词
1.抽象名词一般是不可数名词,但有些抽象名词可以具体化,用作可数名词,表示 "... 的人/事 "如:
Failure is the mother of success./ We are sure of success.
We have achieved great successes in the past few years.
His plans ended in failure.
He wasn’t discouraged in spite of his failures.
The officers led their man to victory in battle.
The news of victories kept coming in .
He collects stamps for pleasure.
It’s been a pleasure to talk to you.
The athlete tried to win honor for his country.
I feel it an honor to make a speech here./He is an honor to his parents.
类似的词有:surprise ,pity 但 fun 作开心的人或事仍是不可数名词。
She has much experience in teaching children’s English.
Walking across the desert is an exciting experience.
Energy is important to the development of industry.
Fishing is an important industry in this country./The tourist trade has become a real industry.