

The variables –​education​– and –​married​– are numeric but do not have value

labels, yet. Label the values of the two variables according to those given below

in the Appendix.

Value labels
1 - married
2 - not married
–​education​–: 1 - tertiary
2 - unfinished tertiary
3 - special secondary
4 - secondary
5 - 7 years of schooling 6 - primary
7 - can read and write 8 - can read
9 - illiterate
10 - child aged 0-8 99 - missing value

cd /Victor/stata



sysuse "auto.dta",clear

foreach num of numlist 1/74{

export excel using "auto`num'.xlsx" in `num'



foreach num of numlist 1/74{

import excel "auto`num'", clear

save "auto`num'.dta", replace



use "auto1.dta",clear

foreach num of numlist 2/70{

append using "auto`num'.dta"


save "auto_new.dta", replace


foreach num of numlist 1/74{

erase "auto`num'.xlsx"



use "auto_new.dta",clear

twoway(scatter weight mpg if foreign == 0, mcolor(navy blue) msymbol(x)) (scatter weight mpg if foreign == 1, mcolor(red))  , legend(on order(1 "foreign" 2 "domestic")  ring(0)) title("The Relatonship between Car Weight and MPG") ylabel(1000 2000 3000(2000)5000) xlabel(10(5)35)


sysuse "nlsw88.dta",clear

tabstat wage hours ttl_exp tenure ,by(union) stat(n mean sd min median) c(s)


sysuse "nlsw88.dta",clear

order wage hours ttl_exp tenure collgrad

foreach v of varlist wage-collgrad{

ttest `v',by(union)



sysuse "nlsw88.dta",clear

reg wage age race industry occupation ttl_exp hours

ssc install logout

logout, save(result_2017302330037.xlsx) excel dec(3) replace:reg wage age race industry occupation ttl_exp hours


sysuse "firm.dta",clear

sort ID date ipc patent_ID


replace firm_name = subinstr(firm_name, "有限责任公司"," ",.)   

replace firm_name = subinstr(firm_name, "集团股份有限公司"," ",.)

replace firm_name = subinstr(firm_name, "股份有限公司"," ",.)



use "firm.dta",clear

encode patent_ID ,gen(patent_ID1) 

bys ID date : egen num_patent=count(patent_ID1)


duplicates drop ID date ipc,force

bys ID date: egen ipc_sum=count(ipc)

第1个回答  2019-03-15