The Elephant and the Spider(二) 作文



In the morning, the sun came up slowly. It shone on the web. The web was beautiful in the sunlight.


The elephant woke up and moved slowly. He was looking for a place to die.


The songbird watched from the branch. The snake watched from the tree. The mouse did not move. The spider stayed at the edge of her web, and waited.


The elephant walked into the sunlight and he saw the web. The web was every colour of the rainbow. It was blue and silver, purple and gold, yellow and pink and green.


“This,” thought the elephant, “is beautiful.”


The animals watched in silence. The elephant lay down and the spider’s web fell over it. “So,” said the spider, “I caught an elephant. And now I am tired.”


Later in the day people came into the forest. There they found a dead elephant. And next to the elephant was a small spider.

第1个回答  2023-06-07
The Elephant and the Spider (Part 2)
After their first meeting, the elephant and the spider became good friends. They would often go on adventures together, exploring the vast jungle and discovering new things. The spider was always impressed with the elephant's strength and size, while the elephant admired the spider's quick wit and cleverness.
One day, while they were out on an adventure, they came across a waterhole that was guarded by a fierce crocodile. The crocodile refused to let them pass, claiming that the waterhole was his and his alone. The elephant stepped forward and said, "We respect your ownership of the waterhole, but we are just passing through. We mean you no harm."
The crocodile was not convinced and said, "I don't trust anyone who comes into my territory without my permission. You'll have to fight me for the right to pass."
The elephant was hesitant to engage in a fight, knowing that his size and strength could easily crush the crocodile. But the spider had an idea. She whispered it to the elephant, and he nodded his agreement.
The spider quickly spun a web between two trees, creating a thick barrier that the crocodile could not get through. The crocodile became angry and charged at the spider, trying to break through the web. But the spider was too quick for him and darted around him, spinning more webs and creating a maze of obstacles that the crocodile could not navigate.
While the crocodile was occupied with the spider, the elephant quietly passed by and made his way to the other side of the waterhole. The crocodile eventually gave up and slunk away, defeated by the spider's cleverness and agility.
The elephant and the spider continued on their journey, proud of their teamwork and the way they had handled the crocodile's challenge. They knew that no obstacle was insurmountable if they worked together and used their different strengths to overcome it.
From that day on, the elephant and the spider became known throughout the jungle as a formidable team, feared and respected by all who knew them. And they continued to go on adventures, discovering new wonders and facing new challenges, together.