

My first impression of China

对中国印象的英语作文:Impression of ChinaFor foreigners, when they come to China, they will think of Kung Fu, giant panda and delicious food. If they ask you whether you want to eat cats and dogs, you will be very curious about this question. In fact, most foreigners have prejudice against China and the people there when they watch Hollywood movies.We can hardly see Asian faces, or there are images on the screen that always show them Negative information most movies like to create stereotypes. For example, if there is a Chinese student, he or she must be very good at mathematics and does not like to talk to others. Most foreigners know nothing about China because they have no chance to come to this country.They believe that what the media presents to them, the occurrence and deepening of cultural misreading, and the solution to this problem It is to strengthen exchanges between countries.中文翻译:对于外国人来说,一到中国,他们会想到功夫、大熊猫和美味佳肴,如果他们问你吃不吃猫和狗,你会对这个问题感到很好奇其实,大多数外国人在看好莱坞电影时,对中国和那里的人都有成见,我们几乎看不到亚洲人的面孔,或者说存在着屏幕上的图像总是显示负面信息大多数电影喜欢制造刻板印象,例如,如果有一个中国学生,他或她一定很擅长数学,不喜欢和其他人交谈大多数外国人对中国一无所知,因为他们没有机会来到这个国家,相信媒体所呈现的东西对他们来说,文化误读的发生和加深,解决这个问题的方法就是加强国家间的交流。
