

第1个回答  2013-10-20
1.The little girl is more beautiful than her sister

2.For today is much hotter than yesterday ,I decide to swim.

3.He is the most clever student in our class.

4.She was very happy,because she had had the most delicious food for lunch.

5.Have a rest,and you will get a better result.

6.She was overwhelmed by her study which was worse and worse.

7.It is the most interesting story in this magazine.

8.Please get up earlier tomorrow.

9.It is said that she is the best singer in the last two years.

10.They became more crazy,so their parents were very worry.

11.“Drink as much water as you can.”the doctor said to him
12.Li Ming is much cleverer than any other student in their class.
13.China is larger that any countries in Africa
14.I have never heard such an interesting story
第2个回答  2013-10-20
Tom is the tallest boy in our class.
Nancy is the most beautiful girl in our class.
Tony ran fastest on sports meeting.
Lucy jumped highest on sports meeting.
Elephants are the heaviest animal in the world.I like to play ping pong best in my free time.本回答被网友采纳