
read a book
write a letter
send an e-mail
win a prize
practise kung fu 帮忙用这几个单词造句

I am reading a book now.
My father is writing a letter.
I am sending an e-mail to my mother.
Who will win a prize next time.
I will practise kung fu next week.
第1个回答  2013-11-18
Reading a book everyday will improve your ability in reading.
It is important for you to write a letter to your best friend.
Nowdays sending an e-mail is faster than writing letters.
You will feel proud after you win a prize.
Cheng Long always practise kung fu ,so he is very healthy.
第2个回答  2013-11-18
yesterday i read a book,then went to bed
i miss my grandmother so i write a letter to her
if you recieve the news,please send a e-mail to me
i win a prize in the game
it's good for us to practise kungfu
第3个回答  2013-11-18
My father is reading a book now.
Can you write a letter to my brother?
I have sent an e-mail to him.
He won a prize yesterday.
We practise kungfu every day.