

1. 有氧运动:有氧运动可以帮助增强心肺功能和身体耐力。例如慢跑、游泳、骑自行车、爬山和舞蹈等。
2. 力量训练:力量训练可以增强肌肉力量和骨密度,减少受伤的风险。例如举重、引体向上、俯卧撑、深蹲、哑铃训练等。
3. 柔韧性训练:柔韧性训练有助于提高身体柔软度,保持良好的关节活动。例如瑜伽、普拉提、舞蹈和各种拉伸练习。
4. 平衡与稳定性训练:这类训练可以帮助提高身体稳定性和协调性,减少摔倒和受伤的风险。例如太极、站立在单脚上、使用瑞士球进行训练等。
5. 间歇性训练:通过适度的高强度运动,可以增加心肺功能,短时间内燃烧更多热量,例如HIIT(高强度间歇训练),Tabata训练等。
6. 组合运动:将以上几种类型的运动结合起来,可以全面锻炼身体。例如综合性运动课程、操课、跆拳道等。
第1个回答  2023-06-22
A state of physical and mental health allows you to take part in exercise fortably and enjoyably so that it doesn't hurt,so that you can look forward it ,and feel good afterwards.(一种身心健康的状态让人们 轻松愉快的参加体育锻炼 而 不致伤及身体,人们因此乐于锻炼 ,锻炼之后能够开心至极,感觉良好)
if you are feeling down,sports may help pick you up.one review of past sutdies found that long-term exercise,especially when it includes long-lasting,strenuous training sessions,has about as much off an effect on depression as psychotherapy.(如果情绪低落,锻炼能使你振作起来.一份回顾以前研究的报告发现:长期锻炼,尤其是那些持续时间长,强度高的训练,对于治疗抑郁症几乎同心理治疗法一样有效)
Working out helps you deal with stress in your job,relationships or any area of life -- possibly because exercise is a form of stress itself and helps condition your body to deal with it.(锻炼能帮助人们调节工作,人际关系的压力,乃至生活的任何方面的压力,其原因也许在于锻炼本身就很紧张 它能帮助调节身体来应付压力)
Even a little erercise can make you think less anxiously.Studies have shown that any amount of exercise,form a brisk 10-minute walk to an intense aerobisc or weightlifting session seems to decrease feelings of anxiety.(即使少量的锻炼也能减轻人的焦虑感.研究表明;锻炼不论其量大小,10分钟的健步行走,剧烈的有氧健身操或举重,似乎都能减少焦虑感)
In several studies ,regular weight training or aerobic exercise was shown to improve the quality and duration of sleep.Naturally ,this can make you less fatigued and be able to function better during the day.(有规律的举重练习或有氧锻炼能改善睡眠质量,延长睡眠时间.这自然就会减少你的疲惫感,从而能在白天更好的工作)