
1. What is/was your professional relationship to the candidate?

2. How long have you known him/her and what’s his/her major responsibility in the firm?

3. How would you describe the candidate’s overall competencies and skills?

4. How about the measurement of the candidates major performance goal in the past and whether he/she achieve the target?

5. How well does he/she get along with:

6. How about the candidate’s ability to handle critical situations, a heavy workload and tight deadlines?

7. How about the candidate’s experience in interacting with difficult people?

8. What are his/her greatest strength(s) or limitation(s) to the organization?

9. If the candidate has been coached on any aspect of his/her performance, and if so, the nature?

10. The reason for leaving the Company?

11. How would you describe his/her integrity and honesty?

12. Would you like to work with this candidate again? Why?

13. Do you have any additional comments which would help me with my assessment of the candidate?

1. What is/was your professional relationship to the candidate?
1. 你现在或曾经与该求职者在工作方面的关系(cadidate这里应该是求职者)
2. How long have you known him/her and what’s his/her major responsibility in the firm?
2. 你认识他/她多久,他/她在公司担任什么主要职务
3. How would you describe the candidate’s overall competencies and skills?
3. 请你描述一下该求职者综合能力与技能
4. How about the measurement of the candidates major performance goal in the past and whether he/she achieve the target?
4. 请你评价一下该求职者以往的职务目标以及他/她是否达到目标
5. How well does he/she get along with:
5. 他/她如何与人相处
6. How about the candidate’s ability to handle critical situations, a heavy workload and tight deadlines?
6. 该求职者在应对诸如危急时刻、巨大工作压力以及紧迫时间限制方面的能力
7. How about the candidate’s experience in interacting with difficult people?
7. 该求职者在与不易相处的人沟通方面的经验
8. What are his/her greatest strength(s) or limitation(s) to the organization?
8. 他/她对组织而言最大的优势或者局限体现在哪些方面
9. If the candidate has been coached on any aspect of his/her performance, and if so, the nature?
9. 该求职者是否接受过任何他/她职务相关方面的培训,如果有,在哪个国家(或者哪种类型,此处不明)
10. The reason for leaving the Company?
10. 他/她离职的原因
11. How would you describe his/her integrity and honesty?
11. 请你描述一下他/她的诚信度
12. Would you like to work with this candidate again? Why?
12. 你是否愿意再次与该求职者一起工作?为什么?
13. Do you have any additional comments which would help me with my assessment of the candidate?
13. 你是否有其他备注帮助我完善对该求职者的评价
第1个回答  2010-09-28











