和售货员的对话的英语作文 情景提示:我给爸妈买礼物. 不用多写,80词即可 先谢了


第1个回答  2010-09-28
salesman:good morning ,welcome to our shop.what can do for you?

buyer:I want something for my parents as a gift.Could you recommond anything for me?

salesman:En....What about the treadmill(跑步机)?It's good for heath,both your parents could use it after working ,No matter how the weather bad outside.What's more,It is one of the best sellers in our shop with high quality but low price ,It's worth buying!

buyer:Really?...It looks good.Can I try it ?

salesman:Of course, this way,please.

buyer:En...It works well,I will get it,How much is it?

salesman:8000 dollars.

buyer:Ho,It is a liite expensive. Can't you be a bit cheaper?

salesman:As you are my first costomer today,I'd like to give you a 2% discount.Then It will be 7840 dollars.

buyer:That's good.where can I pay for?

salesman:This way please.

第2个回答  2010-09-30
Salesman(S) You(y)

s: Excuse me,what can I do for you?
y: En ... ...I want to buy a present(gift) for my parents.
s: oh! What about 【The Unisex Look/Couples】(情侣装)?
y: 【The Unisex Look/Couples】? That's a good idea!
s: What kind of 【The Unisex Look/Couples】do you prefer?
y: Please give me that red.
s: The red?Ok ,wait a moment,please.
y: I'm sorry to keep you waiting.This is what you want that clothes.
s: It's great!It will be very suitable for my parents.
y: It's very glad to hear you like it!
s: How much are them?
y: It total of two hundred twenty-eight yuan.
s: Ok.
y: Thank you.来自:求助得到的回答本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2010-09-30