

第1个回答  2023-07-19

kilometre英语读作/ kɪˈlɒmɪtə(r)/ 或者 / kɪˈlɑːmɪtə(r)/,其中第一个音标是英式英语发音,第二个音标是美式英语发音。


1.The distance from my house to the grocery store is only one kilometre.我家到杂货店的距离只有一公里。

2.The marathon runner completed 42 kilometres in just over three hours.马拉松选手在三个多小时内完成了42公里的比赛。

3.The train station is located approximately five kilometres away from the city center.火车站距离市中心大约五公里远。

4.The cyclists rode for over 50 kilometres to reach the mountain summit.骑自行车送过50公里才到达山顶。

5.The car traveled at an average speed of 120 kilometres per hour on the highway.汽车在高速公路上平均每小时行驶120公里。

6.The hikers embarked on a challenging trek of 10 kilometres through dense forests.远足者们踏上了穿越茂密森林的10公里艰难旅程。

7.The signpost indicated that the next town was 30 kilometres away.路标显示下一个城镇还有30公里远。

8.The bicycle race covered a total distance of 200 kilometres across multiple cities.自行车比赛跨越多个城市,总共骑行200公里。

9.The truck driver traveled 800 kilometres in a single day to make the delivery on time.卡车司机一天行驶800公里,以确保按时送货。

10.The runner set a new personal record by completing a 5-kilometre race in under 20 minutes.这位跑步者以不到20分钟完成一场5公里赛跑的成绩创造了新的个人纪录。
