
"rather than"和"instead of""有什么区别?

rather than 是连词,表否定后边的,"而不是....."
instead of 是副词, 意思跟rather than差不多, 都表示否定后面的部分,只是在句子中的位置有些区别
另附两词用法 希望帮忙
可以名词 可以动词 可以句子 rather than而不是,与其……不如……。可作为一个连词词组,用来连接两个并列成分,表示在两者中进行选择,意为“是A而不是B”,“要A不要B”,“宁愿A而不愿B”。后面可以接名词、名词短语、代词、形容词、副词、动词、不定式、动名词等。例如: 1. 接名词 He is a writer rather than a teacher. 与其说他是教师,不如说他是作家。 John, rather than his roommates, is to blame. 要受责备的是约翰,而不是他的室友们。 The job will take months rather than weeks. 完成这项工作需要几个月,而不是几周。 2. 接代词 You, rather than she, are my guest. 你是我的客人,而不是她。 We are to blame rather than they. 该受责备的是我们,不是他们。 It ought to be you rather than me that signs the letter. 应该是你而不是我在信上签名。 3. 接形容词 The color seems green rather than blue. 这颜色似乎是绿的,而不是蓝的。 It was made shorter rather than longer. 它被缩短了,而不是加长了。 4. 接副词 The ship sank quickly rather than slowly. 船沉的很快,而不是很慢。 He usually gets up early rather than late. 他经常早起而不是晚起。 5. 接动词 He loves her rather than likes her. 他不是喜欢她,而是爱她。 She left rather than stayed at home. 她不是呆在家里,而是走了。 Rather than cause trouble, he went away. 他宁可走开而不愿惹麻烦。 Rather than have the radio repaired, he’d like to buy a new one. 与其修理那部收音机,他倒想去买一部新的。 6. 接介词短语 I'd prefer to read in the library rather than at home. 我宁愿在图书馆看书,也不愿在家里看书。 I'd prefer to do it in this way rather than in that way. 我倒喜欢这样做,而不愿意那样干。 He went to the park in the evening rather than in the morning. 他安瓿市在早上而是在晚上到公园里去。 7. 接动词+ing She likes dancing rather than singing. 她喜欢跳舞而不是唱歌。 Rather than regretting for the failure, why not try again? 与其为失败而后悔,为什么不再试一次呢? It is snowing rather than raining outside. 外面在下雪,不是在下雨。 She is laughing rather than crying. 她在笑,不时在哭。 8. 接过去分词 He had the house rebuilt rather than repaired. 他把房子改建了,而不是整修。 9. 接句子 We should help him rather than he should help us. 我们应该帮助他,而不是他应该帮助我们。 It was what he meant rather than what he said. 那是指他话中的意思,而不是他所说的话
Some people seem to think that sports and games are unimportant things that people do, at times when they are not working, instead of going to the cinema, listening to the radio, or sleeping.

Instead of 的意思是“代替……”、“而不……”,其主动用法如下:

1. 作为短语介词,instead of 后面常跟名词、代词和动名词,偶尔也跟复合结构。例如:

I have come instead of my brother. He is ill.

I will go instead of you.

If I hadn’t got a cold I’d be working instead of lying here in bed.

Instead of doing it himself, he got a man to do it.

Instead of lending a hand, he laughed at us.他不仅没有帮我们一把,反而嘲笑我们。

They must make up their own minds instead of our making up their minds for them. 他们必须自己做出决定,而不是有我们来代替他们作决定。

It’s me that should ask you instead of you asking me. 应该是我问你而不是你问我。

2. Instead of 后面还可跟形容词、副词、动词、不定式、介词短语和从句,这时他相当于连词,但也有不少人认为他们是介词。但是,对中学生来说,重要的不是他的词性,而是他的用法。请看下面的例句:

Taking exercise every day makes him look younger instead of older. 每天锻炼身体使他显得更年轻而不是苍老。(连接形容词)

But the businessman grew worse instead of better. 但这位商人的情况没有好转,反而进一步恶化了。

I go to bed late instead of early.我总是很晚才睡。(连接副词)

That increased instead of decreased our courage. 这增加而不是减少了我们的勇气。(连接动词)

The price rises every day instead of sinks.

He proposes to do some work instead of to watch television.他提议做些工作而不是看电视。(连接不定式)

A word of encouragement might have made me respect instead of hate him.他若是说一句鼓励的话,那么我或许不会恨他,反而会敬重他。(连接不定式)

In warm weather he often reads under a tree instead of in the library.


As a result, silver begar to flow out of, instead of into, the country.


3. Instead 单独使用的时候式副词,常用于句末。例如:

We’ve no coffee. Would you like tea instead.


It will take days by car, so let’s fly instead..


不过,用instead的句子也可以改成instead of:

She never studies. Instead, she plays tennis all day. à Instead of studying , she tennis all days. 她成天打网球,而不是学习。

He didn’t give John the money, but he gave it to me instead. à Instead of giving John the money, he gave it to me.
第1个回答  2010-10-01
instead of 是替换前一个的
rather than 是而不是的意思
第2个回答  2010-10-01
前者后面+do 后者后面+doing
第3个回答  2010-10-01
rather than 主要是
与其…倒不如,不是…而是 的意思,

instead of :