
不是哦前边有很多you can...什么的英文 之后重复kangmaine...英文后之后又重复莎啦啦啦啦啦啦......是英文女唱好像还是DJ


there's a girl in my mind
and she knows i am thinking of her all my way through the day and the night
stars shine above me
he's been gone for some time
but i know i truley love her
and i am singing a song hoping she'll be back when she hears it
my heart goes
shalalala shalala in the morning
shalalala shalala in the sunshine
shalalala shalala in the evening
shalalala shalala just for you!
if your lucks gone away just like mine
you feel like crying sing along
maybe once maybe twice lets try it together some sweet day
no one knows you'll return
and you'll be happy shouting sweet in a song listen to your heart
it is singing my heart goes
shalalala shalala in the morning
shalalala shalala in the sunshine
shalalala shalala in the evening
shalalala shalala just for you! my heart goes
第1个回答  2010-09-04
难道是强生广告的主题曲 THE SHOW

如果不是 也建议听下这歌
第2个回答  2010-09-05
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTQ5NjMyMDQw.html 你听嘛 这和你说的差不多 都是经典慢摇
第3个回答  2010-09-02