

If you're unprepared for a disaster, it can shatter your life. Then before the earthquake strikes,what should we do ? It’s a serious question we have to discuss.First, you and your community need to develop stronger building codes.Building codes are the public's first line of defense against earthquakes. The codes specify the levels of earthquake forces that structures must be designed to withstand.Second, please develop a Family Disaster Plan to let your and your family gain the mastery of Earthquake and know how to take precautions against earthquake. Before a great earthquake, you have to define the evacuating path and the refuge.Think of any special needs that someone in your family might have. Include any other items that your family would need.Such as a flashlight,a lighter,crank radio, food, water for at least 3days and blankets, etc.If you already have part of an emergency survival kit. All you have to do is assemble the supplies in an easy-to-carry container (in case you have to evacuate). Then you should move or secure objects that could fall and injure you: books, plants, mirrors, lamps, china. Secure objects that could tip and start a fire: water heater, gas appliances.Including teaching members of your family where and how to shut off the water, electricity and gas supply.You can also learn about other community emergency plans.There are many things we need to do to get prepared for a great earthquake. Don't be afraid before hazards.Heed the Weather condition,get fully prepared to reduce the damage to the least.在你的日常生活中,地震看起来是很遥远的事情。然而像大地震这样的自然灾害仍有可能袭击你和你的社区,如果你没有任何准备的话,这将彻底粉碎你的生活乃至生命。在大地震来临之前我们要做些什么准备工作呢?这是一个值得我们讨论的严肃的问题。首先,你以及你所在的社区要发展一个更有强力的建筑条例。建筑条例是公众防震的第一防守。法规指明了建筑物能达到的耐震度。其二,展开家庭防灾计划,让你和你的家人掌握地震知识以及知道如何防护地震。在大地震来临之前,要明确疏散路线、避难地点,要考虑每一个家庭成员的任何特殊需要,包括你家人所需要的任何物品,通常需准备好手电筒、打火机、收音机,至少够三天用的食物和饮用水及毛毯等等。如果你已经有了这些紧急生存工具,你所要做的就是把这些物品装在便携容器里(万一不得不疏散时急用)。然后你要移走和牢固那些可能在地震时掉落而造成伤害事故的杂物,如:书,盆栽,镜子,灯饰,瓷器,牢固那些可能翻下来引起火灾的物体:热水气,煤气罐等,还要教会家庭成员在哪里及怎么切断水源,电源及煤气。你也可以学习一下其它社区的紧急防护计划,大地震来临之前我们还有很多事情需要去充分地准备。在危险来临之前不要改到害怕,留心天气情况,做好充分准备以将伤害减到最小。