

舔起我嘴跟 甜蜜给你 甜蜜给你好嘛
想只有给你 刚你一本波仔刚给
Me you me you
Me you me you it's you and
Me you me you
Me you me you it's you and
Me you me you
Me you me you
It's you and me and you
你话中意塔 我刚把话
你话中意塔 我刚八卦
你话中意我 我都中意你
你话中意我 明知有中伊病
你话我去把烟 整松你耳钉
如果黑果梦梦 黑默默更法五醒
黑魔魔跟分身 来到黑我生边
分身领 黑到药 便算上药天
洗毛领 但有更多共同爱好
为找你 我手机都装了菜谱
我煮你 是优高点 网红食着最好
两个人 最中意你 黑着陪破
五塞古都知 对方有点没点克头
你抗少陪 怕你会打哈秋
你喊小智 我喊你皮卡丘
舔起我嘴角跟 甜蜜给你 甜蜜给你好嘛
想只有给你 刚你一本波仔刚贼
Me you me you
Me you me you it's you and
Me you me you
Me you me you it's you and
Me you me you
Me you me you
It's you and me and you
复去港 当起没么晚餐
从日头栏起你到 每晚晚干
小子真是 想法以外 克他也蒙多
最好味给肯沙 添油加醋
祈求 一日我阿妈都给你做生袍
如果要评分 会呗你最高分手
我对你的好感 是病菌干分布
独雷黑马要踩灯 是变大个
一路干嘛什么 又闻翻个最初
最多 被你叫我一声个个
两个说烂西哇 可以笑到傻左
米卡手 手卡手 干病哦 刚过
跟到你脚前里打冰哦 刚污哦
你很嗨心 我刚定会疼你
如果你黑阳刚 我一定黑哄黑
舔起我嘴跟 甜蜜给你 甜蜜给你好嘛
想只有给你 刚你一本波仔刚给
Me you me you
Me you me you it's you and
Me you me you
Me you me you it's you and
Me you me you
Me you me you
It's you and me and you
Me you me you
Me you me you it's you and
Me you me you
Me you me you it's you and
Me you me you
Me you me you
It's you and me and you
and me and you
and me and you
and me and you
and me and
第1个回答  2018-02-04
添指我嘴角 甜蜜噶你甜蜜噶你好吗
Me you me you
Me you me you it's you and
Me you me you
Me you me you it's you and
Me you me you
Me you me you
It's you and me and you
你话我中意听我讲白话 你话中意听我讲八卦

你话中意我我都中意你 你话中意我明知我中意病

你话我超百厌整松你耳钉 如果系个梦海希望无咁快会醒

希望每日训醒你都系我身边 训醒你唔系度又点算新一天
超无聊但有劲多共同爱好 成日帮对方改埋D肉麻外号
为咗你我手机都装咗菜谱 我煮你吃如果你喂我吃就最好
两个人最中意哩系个皮铺 唔使估都知对方有咩D咩嘢企图
你坎小皮怕你会打哈秋 你系小智我系你比卡丘
添指我嘴角 甜蜜噶你甜蜜噶你好吗
Me you me you
Me you me you it's you and
Me you me you
Me you me you it's you and
Me you me you
Me you me you
It's you and me and you
灰超简单每晚晚餐 从日透揽住你到每晚晚间

写俾你噶哩一首情歌 除咗真实想法以外其他嘢唔多
最好味噶唔使添油加醋 迟到一日我阿妈都叫你做新铺
如果以平方会俾你最高分数 我对你噶好咁似病菌咁分布
同你系埋一齐唔使变大个 一路咁开心又使乜稳翻个最初
最多俾你叫我一声哥哥 两个人讲烂笑话可以笑到傻咗
bi ka sa su ka sa ga边炉讲过 激嬲你就请你打边炉讲和
你唔开心我肯定会氽你 如果你系阳光我一定系空气
添指我嘴角 甜蜜噶你甜蜜噶你好吗
Me you me you
Me you me you it's you and
Me you me you
Me you me you it's you and
Me you me you
Me you me you
It's you and me and you
第2个回答  2017-11-25
这个真是 仁者见仁智者见智
第3个回答  2018-06-17
天天哦最勾 天美给雷
天美给雷 侯马

雷哇钟意哦 哦都钟意雷
游够戏给漫 哦黑盲摸甘fai吴性