有大神了解AQP里的PMP吗?想了解Control Location中的几个英文单词的意思?单词如下,麻烦各位了!

A. Sub-tier Process
B. Rec. Inspection
C. Setup Approval
D. In Process
E. Audit
F. Final Inspection
G. Out of Box Audit
H. Out of Box

A. Sub-tier Process: 次级流程或二级流程或子流程
B. Rec. Inspection: Receiving Inspection: 收货检验
C. Setup Approval:安装批准
D. In Process:制程,往往与Audit, Inspection等组词,制程稽核
E. Audit:稽核
F. Final Inspection:终检
G. Out of Box Audit:开箱检验
H. Out of Box:开箱