would like todo和would like doing的区别是什么?


"Would like to do" 和 "Would like doing" 都是表示“想要做某事”的意思。但是它们的语法和使用方法有所不同。
1)"Would like to do" 表示想要去做某件事,后面要接动词不定式。它可以用于表达现在或未来的意愿或请求。
例句:I would like to go to the movies tonight.(我今晚想去看电影。)
He would like to have a cup of tea.(他想要喝杯茶。)
2)"Would like doing" 表示喜欢或享受做某事,后面要接动名词。它用于描述一种习惯、喜好或经常发生的事情。
例句:She would like hiking in the mountains.(她喜欢在山上徒步旅行。)
They would like swimming in the ocean.(他们喜欢在海里游泳。)
3)"Would like to do" 也可以用于表达委婉的请求或邀请。在这种情况下,它通常会放在句子的开头,并使用"would"而不是"will"。
例句:Would you like to come to my party?(你愿意来参加我的聚会吗?)
Would you like to help me with this project?(你愿意帮我完成这个项目吗?)
1)"Would like to do" 的用法举例:
A: What would you like to do tonight?
B: I would like to try that new restaurant downtown.
A: Would you like to come to my house for dinner tomorrow?
B: Yes, I would like to, thank you.
2)"Would like doing" 的用法举例:
A: What does your family like doing on the weekends?
B: They like going to the park and having picnics.
A: What kind of music do you like listening to?
B: I like listening to classical music and jazz.
3)"Would like to do" 作为委婉的请求或邀请的用法举例:
A: Would you like to come to my office for a meeting?
B: I would like to, but I'm afraid I'm too busy this afternoon.
A: Would you like to go to the concert with me?
B: I would like to, but I already have plans that night.
第1个回答  2023-01-07
would like to do sth和would like doing sth的区别是意思和用法不同。
would like= 'd like 想要,相当于情态动词,愿望请求会更多用它。would like to do sth.表示说话者喜欢做一些事,而这些事是将来做的,不一定说完就立即去做。
would like doing sth ,表示说话者喜欢做一些事,这些事是说完话就能立刻去做的。
第2个回答  2023-01-09
意思差不多,但是分时态,would like to do主要是用于一般时,而后者主要用于正在进行时,表示正在发生的是本回答被网友采纳