It is+adj+doing sth与It is+adj+to do sth有什么区别


It is+adj+doing sth与It is+adj+to do sth有什么区别

It is+adj+to do sth和it+adj+to do sth 的区别:
1、 It is important to drink enough water every day.
it形式主语,没有意思的。to drink enough water every day,真正主语。意思是:每天喝足够的水很重要。,而谓语is important,使用了形式主语,而把真正主语放在后面,所以句型:It is+adj+to do sth的意思是:做某事怎么样。
2、 Doctors think it is important to drink enough water every day.
这时候It is important to drink enough water every day.
是宾语从句,作think的宾语.因为think 可以形成think+ 宾语+宾语补足语,所以此句可改成Doctors think it important to drink enough water every day。也就是少了be动词is,此时,it是形式宾语,important为宾语补足语to drink enough water every day为真正宾语。


It is+adj+doing sth

1、Germany should understand this because that is precisely what it is doing.


2、How hard it is doing this.


3、Fortunately, it is doing so.


4、With three built-in sensors, the iPhone knows more about what it is doing than I do.


5、It is doing this with effortlessly simple products that are a pleasure to use.


it+adj+to do sth 

1、How difficult is it to do business with the pany?


2、You still need to test that the generated code actually does what you expect it to do, however.


3、And how do you use it to do better work?


4、Would you choose this field if you had it to do over again?


5、In an OO system, a class shouldn't exist unless there's something for it to do; there must be responsibilities ( operations).


按道理来说 一般+to do的形容词比较多 大多都是做什么很怎么样的意思
It is no use doing sth.
It is a waste of time doing sth.
It is useless doing sth.
It is no good doing sth.
不过像nice 两种都可
it's nice doing sth.
It's nice to do sth.
It's nice helping you.帮助你感觉真不错(已经帮助了)
It's nice to do the job.干这份工作会很不错的(即将开始干)
这也是to do 跟doing 的一种区别 不仅仅只是it is +adj.这个结构中.

feel adj. doing sth与feel adj. to do sth有什么区别?

feel adj. doing sth中的doing sth表示原因或表示正在发生的动作。
feel adj. to do sth中的 to do sth表示原因或表示将要发生的动作。

find it adj doing sth 和find it adj to do sth有什么区别

没有find it adj. doing sth. 语法错误
只有find it adj. to do sth.

it is adj. to do sth. it is adj. doing sth. 有什么区别

一般情况是:不定式和动名词都可以在句中作主语,但下面一些词的后面一般用doing,如hopeless,useless,no use,no good等等。大多还是用to do作主语。如:
It is no use crying spilt over milk (动名词)
It isn't easy to studyEnglish.(不定式)
Seeing is believing.(=To see is to believe.) 眼见为实。

It's+adj. to do sth. 和 It's+adj. doing sth.有什么区别


t is+adj+for *** +to do sth和it is+of *** +to do sth有什么区别?, It's +adj of *** to do sth 和 It's for *** to do sth有什么区别?

It is+adj.+of *** . +to do sth中的adj.跟 *** .有关,
这个adj.是用来形容 *** .的,
你会发现在这个句型中你把 *** .和adj.提出来可以造个句 *** . is(are) adj.
如It's very kind of you to help me.
把里面的 *** .和adj.提出来可以发现you are kind是说得通的.
而It is +adj.+for *** .+to do sth表示做某事对某人来说很adj.
这里的adj.是do sth.的属性
里面的 *** .跟adj.没有直接联系
如It's difficult for you to deal with the problem.
你就不能说you are difficult了吧

s to do sth 与s doing sth 有什么区别

s to do sth. 意思是停下手头的事去做另一件事,sth.指代的就是去做的这“另一件事”。如:I sped to help him. 我停下来取帮助他。
s doing sth. 意思是停下做某事,就是把手头正在做的事情停下。如:I sped talking. 我停止了说话。

第1个回答  2023-04-17

"It is + adj + doing sth" 和 "It is + adj + to do sth" 两个句型都是英语中常见的用法,但它们在语法和意义上存在一些区别。

"It is + adj + doing sth" 这个句型表示的是某个事情正在进行中,强调的是正在进行的状态。例如:

    It is getting dark outside.(外面变暗了。)

    It is raining heavily now.(现在正在下大雨。)

    而 "It is + adj + to do sth" 这个句型则表示的是某件事情应该或必须要做,强调的是一个行动或动作的必要性。例如:

    It is important to stay hydrated in hot weather.(在炎热的天气里保持水分是很重要的。)

    It is necessary to follow the instructions carefully.(需要仔细遵循说明。)

    总的来说,"It is + adj + doing sth" 强调的是状态,表示某个事情正在进行中;而 "It is + adj + to do sth" 强调的是必要性或应该性,表示某件事情需要或应该要做。

举例来说,对于 "It is + adj + doing sth",我们可以使用以下例子:

    It is getting colder and colder outside.(外面越来越冷了。)

    It is becoming more and more difficult to concentrate on my work.(集中精力做工作变得越来越困难。)

    而对于 "It is + adj + to do sth",我们可以使用以下例子:

    It is important to keep a balanced diet.(保持均衡饮食很重要。)

    It is necessary to wear a helmet when riding a bike.(骑自行车时需要戴头盔。)

    需要注意的是,这两个句型中的形容词(adj)通常用来描述状态或必要性,比如 "important"、"necessary"、"difficult"、"easy" 等。因此,我们要根据具体的语境来选择适合的形容词。
