

1. "Plump" in English refers to someone who is well-rounded and cute. For example, "The baby is plump and very cute."
2. The word "fat" in English is pronounced as "f#230t" and means someone who is overweight. It can also refer to fat tissue, or to someone who has been fed well.
3. "Fat" is an English word that can be used as a noun, verb, or adjective. As a noun, it means "fatty tissue" or "to fatten." As a verb, it can mean "to make fat" or "to add fat to."
4. "Fat" is the English translation of the Chinese word "胖," which has multiple meanings including being overweight, comfortable, or referring to a type of ancient sacrifice.
5. "Fat" is an English word that can be used as a noun, verb, or adjective. It refers to excess body weight, and can also mean to become fat or to add fat to something.
6. "Plump" in English is pronounced as "pl#652mp" and describes something or someone that is round and full.
7. "Fat" in English has the pronunciation "f#230t" and can describe someone who is overweight, something that is greasy, or something that is abundant. It can also be a noun referring to fat, or a verb meaning to fatten.
8. "Fat" is pronounced as "f#230t," similar to the sound "foei" in Chinese. The "t" sound is similar to "特." It's best to let a smartphone assistant pronounce it for accurateunciation.
9. "Fat" in English is "fat," pronounced as "f#230t." Its Chinese meanings include being overweight, having a lot of body fat, and more.
10. "Fat" is an adjective that describes something as round and full, and can also be used to describe someone who is corpulent.
11. "Fat" in English is pronounced as "f#230t" and means something that is thick or large in quantity. It can also refer to fat tissue or greasy food.
12. "Fat" in English is a word that describes someone who is overweight. It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and exercise regularly to avoid excessive weight gain.
13. "Fat" in English is pronounced as "f#x00E6t" and means someone who is overweight or has a lot of body fat. It can also be used to describe something as thick or abundant.
14. "Thin" in English is pronounced as "θ#618n" and is the opposite of fat. "Fat" is pronounced as "f#230t" and refers to someone who is overweight.
15. "Fat" in English can describe someone who is overweight, as well as something that is greasy or abundant. It is important to measure body fat percentage and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
16. In English, "fat" is a word that can be used to describe someone who is overweight. It is often considered impolite to directly say someone is fat, and alternatives like "heavy" or "overweight" are often used.
17. "Fat" in English is an adjective that describes someone as overweight, and it has various forms including comparative ("fatter") and superlative ("fattest"). It can also be used as a noun referring to fatness or as a verb meaning to become fat.