

Saving Tigers
Tigers are the kings of the forest. They have got “a brown coat” with black strips. They have long tails and the tails are about 80-150cm long. They catch small animals as their food. Their favorite animals are deer and boars. Tigers are never far from the water. They are good swimmers and love bathing in pools and lakes. The young ones stay with their mothers in a family group for two years, learning to hunt. They look like the large cats. When tigers roar, you can hear the sound almost two miles away. But when they are in pain, they purr, like a cat in your house. Tigers have just about the same lifespan as your house cat. It is about fifteen years.
第1个回答  2016-06-16
六年的时光像条滔滔不绝的大河一去不返,我还有一个月就要告别母校了。六年来,我做过许多错事,如果,我能再做一回小学生,我要去改正我犯下的错误,做一名小学生。   如果,我能再做一回小学生,我不会再粗心大意。以前,我做什么事都很马虎,无论是看书看报,还是考试写作业,我都摆脱不了粗心这个毛病。有一次考试,由于题目比较容易,我三下五除二就做完了试卷,没有检查就交给了老师。结果那次考试我才得85分,其中有许多我做错的题目我都会做,我真是太粗心了。我一定要改正粗心大意这个缺点!   如果,我能再做一回小学生,我不会再小肚鸡肠。从前的我是一个心胸狭窄的人,每次同学找我借文具,借纸巾,我都会视而不见,置之不理。有时,我把一张试卷放在了课桌上,一位同学走过时衣服不小心碰掉...本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2020-05-12