【词语辨析】assign/designate/name/appoint/nominate 的英文释义


第1个回答  2022-07-22
过去式 assigned 过去分词 assigned  现在分词 assigning

a.to select (someone)for a post or task 分配给 某个人(某群人) 岗位或任务

b.to give a task or duty(to someone) 指派给 某个人(某群人) 任务或职责

c.to attribute to a specified[ˈspesɪfaɪd] cause 归为一个特定的原因

d.to set apart(a place or time)for a particular function or event:to assign a day for the meeting为一个特定的事情分配时间或场地

e.law to transfer(one's right,interese,or title to property)to someone 将权力或财产由法律上过户


过去式 designated 过去分词 designated  现在分词 designating

a.to give a name to or describe as叫做...;  描述为... : vessels sunk during battle are designated as war graves

b.to select(someone)for an office or duty;appoint 选择某人当选职责;任命( 书面用语,侧重于当权者或机构的选拔任命,有时含强行指定的意味 )


c.appointed,but not yet in office任命,但是尚未担职 :a Prime Minister designate  总理候任


a.a word or term by which a person or thing is known Related adjective:nominal

b.reputation,esp.a good one:he was making a name for himself 命名

c.a famous person:she's a big name now 有名

d. call someone names :to insult someone by using rude words to describe him or her 通过说一些粗鲁的话来侮辱某人

e. in name only :not possessing the powers or status implied by one's title没有实权的领导:a leadership in name only 

f. in the name of : ①for the sake of为了...:in the name of deceney

                            ②by the authority of以某某某权威之名义: in the name of the law

g. to one's name :in one's possession:she hasn't a penny to her name 


过去式 named 过去分词 named  现在分词 naming

h.to give a name to命名为 (着重结果而非任命过程)

i.to refer to by name通过名字提到:he refused to name his source

j.to fix or specify修正或指定:he named a time for the meeting

k.to appoint被评为:she was named Journalist of the year

l.to ban(an MP) from the House of Commons by mentioning him or her fromally by name as being guilty of disorderly conduct

m. name names :to cite people inorder to blame or accuse them提及某人的名字,目的是为了指责或者控告他们

过去式 appointed 过去分词 appointed  现在分词 appointing

a.to assign offically to a job or position 由 官方 分配一个工作或职位 (不经过选择)

b.to fix or decide(a time or place for an event) 去决定或修正(一个事情的时间或地点)

c.to equip or furnish['fɜːnɪʃ]  装备: it was a beautifully appointed room with rows and rows of books

过去式 nominated 过去分词 nominated 现在分词 nominating

a.to propose (someone) as a candidate['kændɪdeɪt;]  提名某人为候选人, 需要有决定权的人去做最后是否委任的决定

b.to appoint(someone) to an office or position 任命某人去一个办公室或职位