have done 造句。来5个,谢谢


have done 只是一种口语用法,它主要在平时说话时才会这样用,意思是:做完、结束,比如:1,They might have done 他们可能会做;2, Society should have done more 社会应该做更多;3 Their authorities have done 他们的政府已经做了;4,He could have done anything to..... 为了……他能做任何事情;5,Everyone have done the same 每个人都同样会做。等等
第1个回答  2013-09-21
1.What I have done?2. I have done these hoomework.
第2个回答  2013-09-21
I have changed my attitude.
第3个回答  2013-09-21
I have finished my super.
第4个回答  2013-09-21
1、I have finished the work you distributed to me.2、Human beings are thought to have first entered the Americans.3、I haven’t eaten lunch, so I am hungry.4、You should have your hair cut before having an interview.5、If you have done,I'll explain the matter.