each 和every的区别。each做同位语是怎么用


each,every意思相近,经常可以互用,但在下列情况下有差别: 1.each重点指单个的个体,即逐个,而every重点强调整体. Study each sentences arefully.认真学习每个句子(强调个体:逐一学习). Every sentence must have a verb每个句子必须有一个动词(强调整体:所有句子). 2,each更强调小的数量;而every则侧重大的数量. There were four books on the table.Each book was a different colour. Carol loves reading. She has read every book in the library(all the books). 3.each可以指两个东西,而every不能. In a football match, each team has 11 players. (not"every") 4.表达动作的频率时,用every,不能用each "How often do you go shopping?" "Every day."(not"each day") 5.each和every均可与名词连用,除此之外,each可单独使用,而every不能. each book,every book,each one, every one but: Each is a different colour.(not"every") Each of them is a different colour.(not"every")all是全部的意思,接复数
第1个回答  2013-12-19
each既可用 作形容词,又可用作代词,在句中可以作定语,主语、宾语、同位语

each指两个或两个以上的人或事物中的“每个”;every是指许多人或事物 的“全体”,与all的意思相近。