

故事从孔夫子五十多岁,得以实现梦想,踏上仕途开始,感觉开场有点突然,接下来就是孔子运用计谋,抗衡齐国、三桓,然后平步清云,连升几级,做到代相国之职,剧情很紧凑。精彩的辩论,让人精神一振,不过不失的特效,也带来了一点视觉刺激。不过,总觉得有那么点不明所以,在半知半解中努力往下看,头上冒出的问号越来越多:作为三桓之首的季孙氏,为何让孔丘当代相国?孔丘推行堕三都的时候,季孙氏又让旁边的人推动此举,任由孔丘拆他的城墙?这此似乎都是他的计谋,但看不出他为什么要这样做,这样做了对他有什么好处,电影对此没有交待清楚。接下来与公山狃一战,也挺振奋人心的,不过其中的万剪齐发,而孔子“无懈可击”,然后又出现“诸葛连弩”,真的有点说不过去。 中段的“子见南子”也让人印象深刻,美色与权势摆于前,孔夫子还是选择了仁义道德,不得不佩服他的理智,圣人也! 不过那一幕想要表现南子的美艳,我却感觉不出有任何的吸引,同是周迅,比起画皮里的小唯真是差远了。

Stories from Confucius is more than fifty, to realize the dream, the feeling, a political career began, followed by sudden Confucius, against three huan, then qi, walk cing yun, dogs, achieves the generation of plot, xiangguo very compact. Fascinating debate, refreshing, but not the effects, but also brings a visual stimuli. However, total feel a bit, so in half known unknown to half a solution, head of mark more: as the first three huan's, why let JiSun Confucius contemporary xiangguo? Implementation of Confucius, JiSun sandu fall again let's move to promote, let down the walls of his fair? This seems to be his counsel, but don't see why he wants to do, and do what is good, for his movies are not explain clearly. The Niu mountain, and also quite exciting, but one million, Confucius "cut qi" and then again appear impeccable crossbow ", "the various ge even really said. The middle child saw the son ", "also impressive, beauty and power placed in a former, Confucius chose morality, have to admire his reason, saint! But the sons of the south wants to performance, but I feel colourful has no attraction, zhou is the picture pigskin, compared with only really is small.
Again, let me behind the impression that there is YanHui falling back and forth, many times in the cold water scene, although he rescues bamboo slips of behavior is very great, I also have so little touched, but turned again, this isn't that a little pedantic to? Anyway, he is the favourite for the Confucius, director suggested dedicated to let him die very beautiful.
Finally, Confucius and his students to return all happiness, a state in the gate, and Confucius, LaoLei freely, the bow down when I cry, but not to cry, but the story itself by actors driven by the play.
Generally speaking, "ok!"
When people see only understand Confucius with torture to rule, when the people of his large LiYuXiu qing dynasty is demonstrated in cultural exchange-di zigui which concluded "potential heart; to him, or any questionhs Daniel, silent." Use force to conquer others can be conquered, but had not conquer hearts, and there might be buried "rebellion", in the danger, but if we can, that is the conqueror people by reasoning was speechless. In this article the main from beginning to end and reflects the "indoctrination" Confucius "gentleman not demanding others without fault, but can use all sorts of measures to gang turn!
第1个回答  2010-10-24
Talking about a Film
Jane: Hi, Bill. You look happy.
Bill: Yes, I' ve just seen a very funny film on TV.
Jane:What was it about?
Bill:It was about a careless man who got into trouble wherever he went. He couldn't do anything right.
Jane:So you like it?
Bill:Yes,I do. It makes me laugh a lot.
Jane:But I'd rather see something which are not only interesting, but also instructive.
Bill:Oh, Jane, don't be so serious. People sometimes need relaxation.
Jane .That's true, but I think watching TV is not just for entertainment.

第2个回答  2010-10-24
今年自考英语写作?现在不能写 等你考完了写给你
第3个回答  2010-10-25
My Point of View on Good Movies
Undoubtedly,the invention of the movie is a great contribution to human beings.Ever since there have been huge changes in people's life.Going to the theatre has been the most popular way people choose for fun and relaxation.Businessmen invite their clients to theatre for business.Adults invite their friends to theatre to show their friendship;Boys invite their girlfriends to display their love to her.Children go to the theatre for intereting cartoons and comics.Facts prove that we are surrounded by movies,good or bad.
Movies differ from one to another.Some are action ones,some are detective ones,some are tragedies(悲剧片),others are comedies。Whatever kind they are of,they can always affect audiences.However,not all of them are good.People may ask,“What kind of movie can be thought good?”On that,different people have different ideas.Some think all that can make people laugh are good movies.I don't agree,however.As far as I'm concerned,a good movie should be one that can not only amuse people but also be of great value to our life.That means a good moive should tell the audiences what is beauty and what is ugliness;what is right and what is wrong while making them laugh.

第4个回答  2010-10-24