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妈妈:很久很久以前 有一位美丽、善良的公主,她叫做白雪。她与美貌盖世的继母后住在一起。有一天王后问魔镜,世界上谁最美丽?

妈妈:别吵 公主来了

女儿:哇 她好坏啊 应该打她屁股!

妈妈:猎人虽然放走了白雪 但是白雪由于自己太害怕 吓得哭起来了妈妈:小动物们把她带到了一间小屋。
妈妈:嘘— 继续看下去就知道了

女儿:他们挖钻石? 一定有很多漂亮的钻石呀。

女儿:小矮人快要回到家了耶 他们会不会把白雪公主当贼呀?
妈妈:小傻瓜 继续看不就知道了(演员到位 故事继续)

妈妈:小矮人们以为白雪是只怪物 很小心的走进房间.

妈妈:猎人回去复命了 皇后看到盒子里的心 得意的又问魔镜

女儿:皇后要谋害公主 我要去打她 她实在太坏了
妈妈:傻孩子 别急 你看 公主正开心的和小矮人们一起跳舞呢


女儿::小动物们快点去告诉小矮人们呀! 不然来不及了!

妈妈:尽管小矮人们很快的赶回来 但邪恶的皇后想到了骗白雪公主的方法…
妈妈:她欺骗公主 这是个可以许愿的苹果…

女儿:太好了! 那个可恶的皇后得到了报应.可是…公主也 …

而且 公主看起来 只是想睡着了一样 他们觉得公主随时会醒过来
他们就为白雪公主做了副玻璃棺材 并且一直守在身旁
那个深爱着公主的王子听到这个消息 立刻赶了过来…

妈妈:最后 王子和公主 幸福的在一起直到永远————好了 故事说完了 快睡吧
女儿:晚安 妈妈

Mom: long long ago, there was a beauty and goodness princess, she called Snow White. She and beauty gaishi stepmother after live together. One day the queen in the world mirror asked, who is the most beautiful?

Daughter: the queen awful... She want how to princess?
Mom: don't be noisy princess came

Daughter: good romance ah...
Mom: nature narrower, extremely vicious queen broil with envy, vowing to Snow White left to die soon. So she sent the hunter put Snow White to the forest, want to kill Snow White.
Daughter: wow she stand or fall ah should hit her ass!

Mom: hunter while freeing the snow but snow because oneself too afraid frighten crying mother: small animals took her to a cottage.
Daughter: is the home of the seven dwarfs?
Mom: hiss -- keep looking knew

Mom: Snow White room clean. Dwarves still in diamond mining work...
Daughter: they dig diamond? There must be a lot of beautiful diamond.

Daughter: dwarfs is returned home and they will not take Snow White when the thief?
Mom: you little fool continue to look not to know (actors in place story continued)

Mom: little people think white snow is monster very careful coming into the room.

Mom: hunter back outreach a queen see box heart satisfiedly and mirror asked

Daughter: the queen has plotted to kill the princess: I'm going to hit her she was too bad
Mom: silly boy don't worry you see the princess is happy and little people dance together

Mom: at the princess and little people they all asleep time... Queen doing more terrible thing.

Daughter: : small animals to hurry to tell the little men! Not too late!

Mom: although little people soon to come home but the evil queen thought of cheat Snow White way...
Daughter: what method?
Mom: deceiving her princess it would be a wishing apple...

Daughter: great! That bloody queen got recompense. But... Princess also...

Mom: little people won't put the beautiful Snow White burial
And the princess looks just want to fall asleep as they feel princess at any time will wake up
They made for the Snow White princess vice glass coffin and keeps in side
That love deeply a princess prince heard the news immediately catch up...

Mom: finally the prince and the princess of happiness together forever -- good story had said go to sleep now
Daughter: good night, mom

第1个回答  2010-11-15