

原文为法文,Constance Borde与Sheila Malovany-Chevallier的译文,"It is man’s luck—in adulthood as in childhood—to be made to take the most arduous roads but the surest ones; woman’s misfortune is that she is surrounded by nearly irresistible temptations; everything incites her to take the easy way out: instead of being encouraged to fight on her own account, she is told that she can let herself get by and she will reach enchanted paradises; when she realizes she was fooled by a mirage, it is too late; she has been worn out in this adventure."
出处在《第二性》The Second Sex (Le Deuxième Sexe) 1949 - 西蒙娜·德·波伏娃(Simone de Beauvoir),第二卷“生活经历”(Volume II "Lived Experience"),第三部分“理由”(Part Three "Justifications"),第12章“恋爱中的女人”(Chapter 12 "The Woman in Love"),第775页(Page 775),“男人的极大幸运在于,他,不论在成年还是在小时候,必须踏上一条极为艰苦的道路,不过这是一条最可靠的道路;女人的不幸则在于被几乎不可抗拒的诱惑包围着;每一种事物都在诱使她走容易走的道理;她不是被要求奋发向上,走自己的路,而是听说只要滑下去,就可以到达极乐的天堂。当她发觉自己被海市蜃楼愚弄时,已经为时太晚,她的力量在失败的冒险中已被耗尽。”(陶铁柱译本)。