英语作文 我弟弟的生日


My brother's birthday
Today is my brother's birthday, brother very excited. In the evening, our whole family went to eat hot pot. Brother is back home, is tired, but my brother's interest, because the father magic pass a cake to the mother, the mother put the cake on the table.

Brother very carefully open the cake box, wow. What a beautiful cake! The florist cake eating chocolate and butter. There are two cute poodle on the cake. Poodle at present there is a saying ' 'happy birthday' 'small brand. Brother sit beside table, see color fragrant taste cake, all turn out, brother wants pupil composition more www.xiaoxuezuowen.net it swallowed into the cake. Dad on candle torch, lit the fire, then together we sing the birthday song for his brother. Finished sing a birthday song, and my brother made a wish sincerely. Brother quietly tell lie the winter he may see is; One day to go to school. Make a wish, brother, a hard, ' 'that' 'candle torch all put out. Mom and dad and my composition Junior high school is on the blessings, I'm excited to help brother to mom and dad to eat the cake. Brother for a happy and meaningful birthday. But gave me the impression is also very excited, more profound and meaningful.

弟弟小心翼翼的把蛋糕盒打开,哇。好漂亮的蛋糕呀。蛋糕的花店食用巧克力和奶油做成的。蛋糕上还有两只可爱的狮子狗呢。狮子狗的眼前有一个写着‘‘生日欢快’’的小牌子。 弟弟坐在坐在桌子旁边,看着色香俱全的蛋糕,回头都流出来了,弟弟多想吃小学生作文网 www.xiaoxuezuowen.net一口就把蛋糕吞下往呀。爸爸插上烛炬,点了火,接着我们一起为弟弟唱生日歌。唱完了生日歌,弟弟诚恳地许了一个愿。弟弟静静地告诉卧冬他的愿看就是;有一天考上小学。许了愿,弟弟一使劲,‘‘呼----’’烛炬全灭了。爸爸妈妈和我作文网 初中都送上了祝福,我兴奋的帮弟弟分给爸爸妈妈吃蛋糕。弟弟又过了一个欢快而有意义的生日。但给我的印象也非常的兴奋、更加的深刻而有意义。