

第1个回答  2013-11-06
摘要:建筑材料质量的好坏直接决定着整个建筑工程的质量,建筑工程的质量又直接决定着使用者的安全,因此做好建筑材料的检测工作非常重要。本文分析了建筑材料及其检测的现状,而后阐述了建筑材料检测的方法和步骤,并结合平常中的检测工作,提出了建筑材料检测时应注意的事项关键词:建筑材料;检测;质量Abstract: the quality of the construction material quality directly decides the whole construction engineering quality, construction engineering quality and directly determine the the safety of the user, so do the building materials inspection work is very important. This paper analyzes the present situation of building materials and detection, and then expounds the construction materials detection methods and steps, and combined with the usual testing work, put forward the construction materials testing, the matters needing attentionKeywords: building materials; Detection; quality中图分类号:G267文献标识码:A 文章编号:引言建筑材料是建筑工程核心,建筑材料的好坏直接决定着整个建筑工程质量的好坏。(剩余0字)本回答被提问者采纳