


Hello everyone. Today ld like to introduce my hometown-Dali, a place where one has to go in his lfe.

As a famous tourist desitination in theworld, Dali has a wonderful weather that is as warm and bright as spring in all seasons.

There are butefy fountain, antique city, pearl squareand Foreigner's street, etc where lived Bai ethinic group, who are nourished by beautiful wind,flower,snow and moonmight.



从公元5世纪CE,盎格鲁-撒克逊人定居英国的罗马经济,行政崩溃。到了7世纪,盎格鲁撒克逊人的日耳曼语在英国占据了主导地位,取代了罗马不列颠的语言(43-409 CE):古布立吞语,一个凯尔特语和拉丁语,被带到英国罗马人占领。

第1个回答  2014-11-03
Hello everyone. Today I'd like to introduce my hometown-Dali, a place where one has to go in his life. As a famous tourist desitination in the world, Dali has a wonderful weather that is as warm and bright as spring in all seasons. There are butterfly fountain, antique city, pearl square and Foreigner's street, etc where lived Bai ethinic group, who are nourished by beautiful wind, flower, snow and moonlight.本回答被网友采纳