


英文名:Justin Timberlake


出生地: 孟佛斯, 田纳西州 (Memphis, TN)

身高:183 厘米

花名: Shot, Curly, Mr. Smooth

家中成员: 父母,两个兄弟

宠物: 一猫一狗

嗜好: 打篮球

喜爱的食物: 麦片, 面

电影: Usual Suspects, 12 Monkeys

歌手: Brian McKnight, Take 6

偶像: Michael Jordan

音乐: Hip-Hop

颜色: 浅淡绿/浅紫蓝

节日: 圣诞节

电视: The Simpsons, South Park

最喜爱主题公园的地方: 迪士尼公园的 Space Mountain

最害怕的东西: 蛇, 蜘蛛, 鲨鱼

儿时理想: 当歌星或篮球手

坏习惯: 打噎

个人收藏: 运动鞋, 篮球大事记录

1 Cry Me A River
2 Like I Love You
3 (And She Said) Take Me Now
4 Rock Your Body
5 Senorita
Cry Me A River

You were my sun
You were my earth
But you didn't know all the ways I loved you, no
So you took a chance
And made other plans
But I bet you didn't think your thing would come crashing down, no

You don't have to say, what you did,
I already know, I found out from him
Now there's just no chance, for you and me, there'll never be
And don't it make you sad about it

You told me you loved me
Why did you leave me, all alone
Now you tell me you need me
When you call me, on the phone
Girl I refuse, you must have me confused
With some other guy
Your bridges were burned, and now it's your turn
To cry, cry me a river
Cry me a river-er
Cry me a river
Cry me a river-er, yea yea

I know that they say
That somethings are better left unsaid
It wasn't like you only talked to him and you know it
(Don't act like you don't know it)
All of these things people told me
Keep messing with my head
(Messing with my head)
You should've picked honesty
Then you may not have blown it

You don't have to say, what you did,
(Don't have to say, what you did)
I already know, I found out from him
(I already know, uh)
Now there's just no chance, for you and me, there'll never be
(No chance, you and me)
And don't it make you sad about it

You told me you loved me
Why did you leave me, all alone
(All alone)
Now you tell me you need me
When you call me, on the phone
(When you call me on the phone)
Girl I refuse, you must have me confused
With some other guy
(I'm not like them baby)
Your bridges were burned, and now it's your turn
(It's your turn)
To cry, cry me a river
(Go on and just)
Cry me a river-er
(Go on and just)
Cry me a river
(Baby go on and just)
Cry me a river-er, yea yea

The damage is done
So I guess I be leaving
The damage is done
So I guess I be leaving
The damage is done
So I guess I be leaving
The damage is done
So I guess I be... leaving

You don't have to say, what you did,
(Don't have to say, what you did)
I already know, I found out from him
(I already know, uh)
Now there's just no chance, for you and me, there'll never be
(No chance, you and me)
And don't it make you sad about it

Cry me a river
(Go on and just)
Cry me a river-er
(Baby go on and just)
Cry me a river
(You can go on and just)
Cry me a river-er, yea yea

Cry me a river
(Baby go on and just)
Cry me a river-er
(Go on and just)
Cry me a river
(Cause I've already cried)
Cry me a river-er, yea yea
(Ain't gonna cry no more, yea-yea)

Cry me a river
Cry me a river, oh
Cry me a river, oh
Cry me a river, oh

Cry me a river, oh
(Cry me, cry me)
Cry me a river, oh
(Cry me, cry me)
Cry me a river, oh
(Cry me, cry me)
Cry me a river, oh
(Cry me, cry me)

Cry me a river, oh
(Cry me, cry me)
Cry me a river, oh
(Cry me, cry me)
Cry me a river
(Cry me, cry me)
第1个回答  2010-10-30
  是Justin Bieber 吗
  贾斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber,1994年3月1日出生). 在大家眼中,比伯一度是:年少成名的加拿大少年歌手, Justin
  早期因为在YouTube翻唱其他艺人的歌曲而出名,目前已与小岛唱片(Island Records)签约,是一位很帅很萌的全能音乐艺人。 居住在美国佐治亚州亚特兰大,并已于2009年11月17日发行他的第一张专辑——my world1.0 。截止发行后第五周,该唱片已在美国售出超过522,000张,并在加拿大被认证为铂金唱片。 专辑的第二部分已2010年3月23日发行。同时,由于销售成绩不错,Justin已在2010年4月12日发行《my world》的升级版——《my world(2.0)》。 2010年youtube全球视频点击率排行第一,超越lady gaga. 现已拥有大量粉丝
  昵称:JB,J-Beebs,Bieber,Beebs,Bee,JBiebs(国外)B宝、J宝、宝(中国) 粉丝昵称:belieber(B宝的粉丝的昵称那是全宇宙公认的,belieber是由believe+bieber组合而成。在B宝的twitter上经常出现。) 国籍:加拿大
  居住地:Atlanta Botanical (亚特兰大)【在加拿大的斯特拉特福(加拿大安大略省西南部城市)长大】
  生日:1994年3月1日 星座:双鱼座
  身高:1.76 m还在长高中) [1]
  鞋码:目前SIZE 7.5(US码41,UK码42)
  家庭:爸爸 Jeremy Bieber,妈妈Pattie(父母离婚,父亲再婚) 妹妹Jazmyn(2008年5月30日出生),弟弟Jaxon(2009年11月20日出生)
  初恋:13岁(资料来源:《BABY》歌词:When I was 13, I had my first love 在我十三岁那年,我迎来了我的初恋)
  初吻:13岁,在学校的舞会上,和朋友为了十元打赌时给了一个完全不认识的女生 bieber
  害怕:狭窄封闭的地方,不能活动的地方(因为小时候曾被锁在玩具箱中,后来又有2个小时困在电梯里)——即患有幽闭恐惧症,( 有时候被Fans围着不能到别的地方他也很无奈)。
  日常的好朋友:Ryan Butler ,Christian Beadles(小钢牙,前女友Caitlin的弟弟),MIKI(Taylor Swift在twitter上表示认识MIKI,但说到朋友还是有点过头,MIKI虽然是名义上的朋友,但是也是B宝的受教者。请粉丝们及时改动B宝的行程,谢谢!)Taylor Swift(泰勒·斯威夫特),Miley Cyrus(是在《Hannah Montana》中饰演Hannah Montana的女生) Selena Gomez 爱好:音乐 、滑板、跳舞、篮球和开车。
  特长:创作,架子鼓,跳舞,吉他,钢琴,小号,B-box (最喜欢吉他)
  偶像: Michael Jackson(迈克尔·杰克逊)、Boyz II Men 、Usher(亚瑟小子)、成龙、Chuck Norris(查克·诺里斯)、 Taylor Swift(泰勒·斯威夫特)、Avril Lavigne(艾薇儿·拉维妮)Demi lovato(黛米.洛瓦托) 喜欢的艺人:Michael Jackson、Beyonce、Taylor Swift、Rihanna、Kim Kardashian、Britney Spears(布兰妮·斯皮尔斯/布兰妮)、T-boe、Lifehouse、MAI-K(仓木麻衣)、Ne-Yo、Chris Brown、Justin Timberlake、Avril Lavigne(艾薇儿·拉维妮)、Hilary Duff(希拉莉·达芙)、Emma Watson
  最喜欢的歌曲类型:R&B、HipHop、RAP、舞曲、Teen-Pop Pop
  最喜欢的运动:曲棍球,橄榄球,高尔夫,篮球,足球,滑板,单车,冲浪 最喜欢的节日:圣诞节
  最喜欢的歌曲:《UP》,《NEVER SAY NEVER》,《Favourite Girl》(这首是他以前喜欢的)《Down to Earth》《That should be me》《U smile》
  最喜欢的单词:shawty,vitamin water
  最喜欢的电视节目:Smallville(但是很少看电视,经常跟朋友出去玩) 最喜欢的度假地方:巴哈马,日本
  最喜欢的电玩:Mario Kart
  最喜欢的篮球队:Cleveland Cavaliers
  最喜欢的曲棍球队:Maple leafs
  前女友: Caitlin Beadles
  圈内好友:Miley Cyrus、Taylor Swift、Selena Gomez、Jonas Brothers、Jaden Smith、Usher(师 父)、Sean Kingston ,Demi lovato(黛米.瓦洛托)
第2个回答  2010-10-30
是Justin Bieber


