

是我自己写的,错误难免 spring festival Spring festival,the beginning of a year,is one of the most important festivals.In general,people stay with their families at home during the holidays.However,some people can not go home because of their special identity. Athletes may spend the spring festival taking part in matches.Take Li Na for example,she competed for her second world championship in the Australia Open Tennis Champion.Unluckily,in the game with Clijsters,although she did a good job,she did not win the game because she did not seize 4 set points.At present,some people admire the glory that famous athletes get ,but they ignore what athletes pay. Comparing with them,I am more fortunate,for I can stay with my family. At last ,I'd like to share my New Years' Resolution,I just hope that my family and my friends will happy in the new year. 春节,一年的开始,是一个重要的节日,一般人在家里与家人在一起度过假期。然而,一些人不能回家,因为他们的特殊身份。
第1个回答  2014-02-22
know women prefer to keep a secret about it. Well, I worked in the morning. During that day I received a lot of gifts from my co-workers, parents and friends, but the most special gift that I received was from my little son, Gabriel (he is 4 years old). He gave me a lot of kisses and hugs. My husband invited me to take lunch to a nice hotel restaurant and he gave me flowers and wine. Everything was pretty and nice. My mother-in-law baked a big and delicious birthday cake and in the evening my parents and friends sang happy birthday to me. I thank giving me a new year of