
I think she isn't good,—— ——?
l don't think she is good,_____ _____?
l don't think she isn't good____ _____?

主句是I think,I believe,I suppose,I imagine,I expect时要反问从句,其余句式均反问主句。例如:I expect our English teacher will be back this weekend, won't she/he?We suppose you have finished the project, haven't you?值得注意的是,当这些动词后接的宾语从句的否定转移到主句时,其仍属否定句,故其后的简短问句应用肯定式,而非否定式。例如:I don't believe that he can translate this book, can he?We don't imagine the twins have arrived, have they?当主句的主语为第二、三人称时,其后的简短问句则应与主句相一致(此时,否定只看主句,与从句无关)。例如:Your sister supposes she needs no help, doesn't she?They don't believe she's an engineer, do they?

I think she isn't good,is she?主语:I 宾语从句:she isn't good
l don't think she is good,is she?主语:I 宾语从句:she is good
l don't think she isn't good,isn't she?主语:I 宾语从句:she isn't good